Its true, millions of “lightworkers” are on the planet right now assisting with the vital yet natural process of consciousness raising and ascension.
Its very possible that you are a lightworker. After all, there are no coincidences. You have been attracted to these words for a reason.
Before we tell you the secret tool to nourish the consciousness of any lightworker, it is important to understand some lightworker characteristics:
• Have a great sense of a “higher purpose”
• Are natural helpers, have a problem telling people “no”
• Have high levels of empathy, readily feeling the emotions of others
• Often attract “hurt” people into their lives, giving and giving while expecting nothing in return
• Feel “not of this world”, with a strong desire to “go home”, though not on this planet
• Drawn to natural foods, often can be vegan or vegetarian
• Very little attraction to things that interest other people, like fashion, sports, celebrities, etc.
• Are naturally very kind, even when not reciprocated
• Naturally attracted to careers that help others
• Generally not afraid of death or dying
• Not religious, though have a strong sense and understanding of spirituality
Do you or anyone you know fit these lightworker characteristics? If so, it is important to nourish, cultivate, and develop that special person’s abilities.
What is the number one thing a lightworker needs for maximum potential activation?
Meditation. The best way to achieve divine source reconnection while in human form, meditation is the key for any lightworker to spread their powerful wings.
How long does it take to learn meditation?
What if, with just the press of a button, you could have access to the same deep, highly pleasurable, extremely beneficial meditative states as someone with decades of meditative experience? And achieve a super fertile lightworker-nurturing environment in much, much less time, including a limitless number of other life -enhancing benefits?