Spirituality is a huge topic of discussion lately as more and more people are awakening to a higher sense of truth and curiosity about the nature of the universe. Often, we hear people discussing the “Expansion of Consciousness”... But what exactly does that mean?
whomever is speaking this aphorism is telling you to raise your
awareness, because through awareness of great truths, one finds freedom
in the understanding. It does not mean to change yourself or alter who
you are, but rather to realize that you are not your body or mind, but
the observer, and we all have a lot to learn.
Here are some ways that you can do this, to become more free, and less constrained by issues that come up in life.
Trust Your Inner Voice
That little voice inside your head is actually a big deal: your
subconscious mind. So if it tells you to take a different path to work
or school today, listen! You never know what you’ll come across. Chances
are it’s something your subconscious feels that your conscious mind
can’t attune to.
Rise Above The Bicameral Mind
The ‘Bicameral mind‘ is a concept coined by psychologist Julian Jaynes, presented in his book The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind. Essentially, the idea is that one part of the brain speaks, and another part listens (and obeys).
Jaynes theorizes that the breakdown of bicameralism is ongoing, and
leads to introspection and consciousness. In the next stage of
evolution, we will overcome this duality.
travel is impractical or not affordable, the study of other cultures
through the internet, documentaries, books and periodicals can serve as a
replacement (however, there is no substitute to immersing one’s self in another area of the world). Compare the standards of other cultures to your own.
What does it mean to be beautiful and successful to the other
culture? What are the differences in their cultural history lessons?
Knowing these is important, as it makes one realize that perceived
objectivity and standardization is easily demolished.
Listen To Binaural Beats
These are simply sounds tuned to a certain frequency that can shift
your brain waves to a meditative state easily. There is information on
YouTube on this subject, and they are easy to find and free to use.
Check What’s Important To You In Life
If you search your life and find that you’ve assigned significant
meaning to material things, such as your car, home, hair, clothes, or
other possessions, try to revise how you think about them. These can
often be a substitute for actually reflecting upon the self, as we can
easily link our personality to our things.
Be Intentional
Good results take on a whole new meaning if the intentions were not
good. At times we can find ourselves doing good while at the same time
backslapping ourselves for doing good things, or doing them for
recognition. Have positive intentions to be assured that what you are
doing is within your truth.
Be Humble
are all human: fragile with an endpoint. When we are honest with one
another about our essential humanity, we can find common ground and love
for people. If you are hurting, don’t be afraid to share. If you find
that confessions are hard, they are likely the things you need to share
the most.
Growing As A Person Is An End In Itself
We don’t want to become better people with the intention of making
more money, being more successful, or impressing that person you think
would be an ideal partner. In addition, personal growth is not about
becoming more happy, pleasing god or because it’s the right thing to do.
All of these examples are how we change into the person we think we
should be, rather than simply accepting who you are and how you will
change over time naturally.
Feelings are to be appreciated, because they offer an opportunity to
be immersed within an experience. Be conscious and present with your
feelings, and be totally within the moment of experience.
Let Love Guide You
that if you catch yourself being jealous or having a feeling of
superiority, that is coming from the ego. The Soul, however, acts from a
point of love. Being aware of your core being and where your thoughts
come from is the first step in becoming more conscious.
Link: http://thespiritscience.net/2016/01/10/10-ways-that-can-expand-your-consciousness/
Link: http://thespiritscience.net/2016/01/10/10-ways-that-can-expand-your-consciousness/