Monday 8 April 2024

Improve your vitality via the "Pranic Triangle"


By Leoni Hodgson

The power and vitality of the immune system is powered by the Sun. Pranic vital essence pours from the Sun via great golden solar devas/ angels. Our reception of this vital essence is in the upper-mid back, via a radiant golden triangle formed of three chakras. This is the Pranic Triangle.

These three chakras are:

1. Between the shoulder blades.

2. Situated slightly above the solar plexus.

3. The etheric spleen (the energy counterpart of the dense spleen organ).

The centres should be pictured as whirling vortices with a closely woven threefold channel passing from each centre to the other. The vital fluid circulates around these centres three times, before passing (via the spleen) to every part of the body, which becomes impregnated by these emanations.

Exposure of these centres to the vital essence pouring in on the rays of the sun will improve physical vitality.

1. Bare the back to the Sun for a few minutes daily.

2. Whenever you are feeling tired, visualise golden prana pouring into the triangle, circulating, then pouring into your cardiovascular and vitalising your whole body.