Thursday 3 October 2019

A Course in Miracles

A Course in Miracles public domain ebookA Course in Miracles also known as ACIM is a self-study book which aims to assist its readers in achieving spiritual transformation. The book describes a non-dualistic philosophy of forgiveness and includes practical lessons. Helen Schucman the book with the help of William Thetford, based on what she called an “inner voice” which she identified as Jesus. ACIM was published first in 1976 and it has been heavily criticized by Christian communities, but supported by authors such as Eckhart Tolle. Learn more about ACIM on the excellent Wikipedia article here: From page 877 of the ACIM:
“The world you see is based on “sacrifice” of oneness. It is a picture of complete disunity and total lack of joining. Around each entity is built a wall so seeming solid that it looks as if what is inside can never reach without, and what is out can never reach and join with what is locked away within the wall. Each part must sacrifice the other part, to keep itself complete. For if they joined each one would lose its own identity, and by their separation are their selves maintained.”
A Course in Miracles
A Course in Miracles also known as ACIM is a self-study book which aims to assist its readers in achieving spiritual transformation.
Written by: Dr. Helen Schucman
Published by: Foundation for Inner Peace
Edition: First
ISBN: 1883360269
Available in: Ebook
Download the voluminous work here (1.754 pages):

PDF ebook downloadA Course in Miracles

Wednesday 4 September 2019

7 Levels of Consciousness


Self-Growth and Spiritual Transcendence. The seven levels of consciousness are what make up our path of spiritual development. Our consciousness evolves in seven specific stages, each one intrinsically related to a particular existential need. Those needs are the driven forces of our motivation in all our interactions with the world around us. Our growth in consciousness levels depends on our ability to satisfy these needs.
Levels of Consciousness
What are the 7 Levels of Consciousness?
Human beings are capable of incredible growth. We are not only talking about industry, technology, agriculture but also spirituality and the awareness of humanity in general. An evolutionary development of human consciousness. This concept was developed in 1996-1997.
The Mind is an unlimited resource.
Relation to events Processing of those events Development of paradigms Habits in the social sphere Physiological executions of each
Not an exclusive aspect of the human experience
A Path through
the 7 levels
Conditioning our lives around expectations of those around us: Alignment with the group which we identify with.
Blending the needs of the ego with the ones of the soul The upper 3 levels of consciousness focus on finding meaning and purpose in your existence You have a will to make a difference in the world and leading a life of selfless service
Transcendent state of awareness is Self-Explanatory
Master level 7 when making a difference becomes a way of life, and you embrace the concept of true selfless service
The Drive to grasp and take hold of what has been imagined at level 6
Evolution to a point where you recognise that actualising your purpose can really make a difference in the world Dependent on a mutual benefit and fulfillment of others
Master Level 6 by actualising your sense of meaning by making a difference in the world.
The Drive to imagine what could be but has yet to become
You know what is your life purpose & it is in alignment with your true passion Discover your authentic self Make commitments to fulfil those by giving meaning to your life Align immediate self with a Higher Self by creating a vision for your future
Master this level when you discover your personal transcendent meaning for existence
The Drive for creative self-expression
Abraham Maslow
named them: "Growth Needs"
When these needs are fulfilled they do not go away
They bring deeper level of motivation & commitment
You stand back and reflect on the strengths & limitations of your own ideology
Transformation State
Learn how to manage, master and release your subconscious, and fear-based beliefs that keep us in the lover levels of consciousness
Establish a sense of your own personal authority and your own voice Master your deficiency needs Choose to live by the values and beliefs that resonate deeply with who you are
The Drive for community or union
Rise above the self-interested level of satisfying needs It begins when you learn to master the power of the subconscious mind Identifying paradigms and limiting beliefs Deciding what is acceptable and what is not Travel the path of self-actualisation
Becoming more of you really are by uncovering your authentic self & aligning your ego with your soul
Define a system of values by which you will live your life
Define an understanding of your potential impact within your community, history and world
Master Level 4 by learning to release the subconscious, and conscious fears you hold concerning the first 3 levels of needs
The Drive for conquest, achievement, victory, and self-esteem
A sense of pride in who we are in the social sphere Defining ourselves in relation to others and recalibrating those definitions in regard to choices and actions Self-Esteem: feeling a sense of personal self-worth
Underlying anxieties about not being respected and not being good enough
Master Level 3 by cultivating the emotional skills necessary to feel good about yourself in all situations — developing your self-respect.
Social & Relationship-based level of consciousness The desire to be loved, to belong The awareness of the needs of others Desire emotional fulfillment through communion with others Relationship: feeling a sense of love & belonging Underlying anxieties about not being accepted and not being loved
Master Level 2 by developing the interpersonal relationship skills that are necessary to feel safe and loved.
Mass Consciousness
The Drive for pleasure and the perpetuation of the species
Focus on Basic Needs:
Security Food Water Shelter
No Satisfaction in feeding them but anxiety when they are not met
Very Self-Centred & Undeveloped Consciousness
The Drive to Survive
I do not have enough
Survival feeling secure and safe in the world Underlying anxieties about not being safe or secure and not having enough
Create some fire and pass the torch
The progress of our Consciousness can be referred as an evolution of Mindstate
You may have already heard of them referred as:
Cycles Chakras Metals of Alchemy Planets of Astrology
Everyone can have access to this evolution if they are willing to.
Unlock mysteries within yourself. Discover your authentic self and what you are truly capable of achieving in this precious life.
Master level 1 by developing the practical skills necessary to ensure your physical survival
Full Spectrum of Consciousness
Focus on Lower Needs
(Levels 1, 2 & 3)
Self-Centred & Shallow Life
Focus on Higher Needs
(Levels 4, 5, 6 & 7)
Lack of skills necessary to remain grounded & operate effectively in the physical world
Full Spectrum Consciousness
Trusting of others Able to manage complexity Respond & adapt to all situations
Displaying the positive attributEs of the 7 Levels OF Personal Consciousness
Balance both of Deficiency needs & Growth needs
Master Survival Consciousness and become a way of life to be embraced. Master making a difference Consciousness  by actualising their purpose can positively impact the world and acting on it by collaborating with others. Master unknown sense of purpose or personal meaning for existence. Master transformation knowing how to manage & release subconscious and conscious beliefs that keep them anxious about satisfying their deficiency needs. Master Self-Esteem Consciousness knowing a positive sense of self-worth and sense of pride. Master Relationship Consciousness knowing the interpersonal relationship skills needed to have a sense of belonging and loved. MasterSurvival Consciousness knowing the practical skills needed to ensure physical security and safety.
Moving from one level to the next
2 steps in evolving through the levels of consciousness:
Becoming aware
Unskilled at satisfying it
Consciously Incompetent
Develop the skills to manage the need
Consciously Competent
Developing the skills necessary to satisfy the needs:
It's easy to get back to our fear states Develop a deep understanding of yourself Learn skills and techniques that allow you to manage your own transformation
Personal Fulfillment
Concentrate on what you need to do to satisfy the need
Develop the understanding & the skills
Unconsciously Competent
Life-Long Process
The Connections between the Stages of Psychological Development and the Levels oF  Consciousness
Normal Situation
Potentially Negative Situation
Shift to the 3 First Levels of Consciousness
Peak Experience
Level of Consciousness
Stage of Psychological Development Reached
Faced with a potentially negative situation, a change in your circumstances could threaten your internal stability
After the threat, you return to your  previous level of consciousness Long impact — traumatic event occurs in childhood/teenage years
you are anchored in the 3 lower levels of Consciousness
Jump to a higher level of consciousness After the peak, you return to your previous level of consciousness Long impact — Shift to a higher stage of Psychological developement
Drink Juice, Meditate & Say Yes!