Thursday 11 August 2022

The Universal Path



Universal Spirituality

The spiritual transformation of the human soul


Spirituality is something that present man has to elaborate completely.
Man has a kind of soul, which is of interest for the path of white magic. He has the spirituality only as hidden facility, and only a small part of the momentary mankind has a spiritual development.

 Spiritual self-realization 

Spiritual self-realization is thus not a self-realization and self-discovery in the secular sense, but a higher self-realization in the sense of the personal dharma, a process of purification and subsequent development of the spiritual self (Jivatma, Paramatma, Trikaya) with the goal of a divine self-identification and the associated permanent enlightenment.

The path of spiritual development, the multi-stepped universal doctrine, develops the access to these high planes in contrary to the magical path, which first develops the lower and the mental planes and eventually climbs higher later.

The goal of spirituality is enlightenment (MokshaJivanmuktiNirvana) and beyond.

When soul awakens


      Just after the last world war, nearly 80 years ago, an admonition was issued to humanity by a Master of Wisdom.  Writing through his amanuensis, Alice A. Bailey, the Tibetan Master, Djwhal Khul, told his students that in order to avoid another planetary catastrophe, it was imperative for humanity to recognize the fact that behind the outer world of physical appearances there lies a world of spiritual realities.  Only through this recognition could we set the world on a new course. 

      Three spiritual realities were emphasized by the Tibetan Master.  The first is the existence of the Soul — the higher self of the human being which realizes, upon awakening, that all lives are part of an indivisible whole.  The second reality, perceived in the growing light of the soul, is that a divine Plan is working out, bringing light out of darkness and good out of evil through the evolution of consciousness.  The third reality is that there exists a hierarchy of enlightened Beings on our planet who dwell within a fifth kingdom in nature — the spiritual kingdom or Kingdom of Souls — and who are responsible for working out the evolutionary plan. They do this, in large measure, by impressing receptive human minds with ideas that will foster the creation of a new world.
      The awakened soul recognizes that we are not alone and that a Grand Design is working out.  The more these realities take root in human minds, the greater will be our chances of defeating the forces of darkness and of anchoring the emerging forces of light. 

      Toward this end, we would like to bring your attention to several articles on these subjects that were written for this website.  While all the essays and art works on this site reflect the light of the souls who graciously contributed them (starting in 2008), the articles in the list below are targeted to the urgency of this time of transition into a new world.  

      In the love and light of the One Soul,

      Nancy Seifer and Martin Vieweg



Three Recognitions

The Soul

The Spiritual Hierarchy

The Plan

Wednesday 10 August 2022

The Soul's Purpose Formula



copyright 1983-1999 by Adele E. Barger [Wilson]

updated August 24, 2003

About Adele Barger Wilson

Book by Adele Barger Wilson:

          NOTE:  This article has been slightly revised from its original 1983 version.

          The following Soul's Purpose Formula technique has been slightly modified from that first developed by Dr. Douglas Baker and taught to me by Judi Laws and Lynn Koiner of the Amethyst group in Washington, D.C., in the early 1980s.   This Formula is based on the principle set forth on page 17 of Alice Bailey's Esoteric Astrology that the ascendant of a horoscope is the key to "the spiritual goal and purpose of the immediate incarnation and of the immediate succeeding incarnations."   The second two elements of the Formula are based on the astrological principle of house cusp rulership. In constructing the Soul's Purpose Formula, only the esoteric rulerships, as given in Esoteric Astrology, are used:


The Formula is to be used only on charts calculated for exact birth times.   Solar or noon charts are meaningless when working with soul-level astrology.
          Among the modifications that I have introduced to the Soul's Purpose Formula are the following: (1) Planets in the first house are considered as part of the Formula; and (2) a planet up to eight degrees behind a house cusp is considered conjunct that cusp and affecting its house rather than the house in which it is technically found.   Modification number (2) can be applied with flexibility due to the inaccuracy of most birth times and the use of different house systems, and may thus be overridden by intuitive judgement.
         Planets conjunct any of the "soul's purpose rulers" are included in the Formula and considered as important as the rulers themselves.  The suggested orb for these conjunctions is about four degrees, but this orb may be decreased or increased depending upon intuitive judgement and possible complications due to the involvement of a planetary stellium.
         There are three elements to the Soul's Purpose Formula, each being separated by a large dot, which can be translated as "ruled by."  Instructions for determining each of these three elements are as follows:

First Element

          Rising sign and "asc," followed by any planet in the first house, along with the sign of this planet and "1" in parentheses.   Example:

Capricorn ascendant with Mars in Capricorn in the first house


Second Element

         Esoteric ruler of the rising sign, the sign of this esoteric ruler, and the house of this esoteric ruler, followed by any planet(s) within orb of conjunction of this esoteric ruler, preceded by the symbol for "conjunct", enclosed in parentheses.   If the sign on the cusp of this house is different from that of this second element esoteric ruler, place the cuspal sign within a large "C".  Example:

Saturn conjunct Mercury in Virgo in the seventh house with Cancer on its cusp


Third Element

          Esoteric ruler of the sign on the cusp of the house containing the rising sign ruler.  This will be either the esoteric ruler of the sign within the "C" or, in absence of the "C", the esoteric ruler of the sign in which the ascendant ruler is found.   As with the second element, any planets conjunct this third element ruler should then be placed in parentheses, preceded by the symbol for "conjunct," as explained previously.  Also as with the second element, if the sign on the cusp of this house differs from that of the third element ruler, place it within a "C".   Example:

Neptune in Pisces in the second house


          For further clarity, these first-, second-, and third-element examples are repeated in the following illustration:

*Time adjusted for Time Zone 5 from original LMT of 3:58 p.m.
   (birth data from Profiles of Women by Lois M. Rodden)

Grandma Moses' Soul's Purpose Formula:

Capricorn ascendant with Mars in Capricorn in the first house, ruled by
Saturn conjunct Mercury in Virgo in the seventh house with Cancer on its cusp,
ruled by Neptune in Pisces in the second house


          The Soul's Purpose Formula is intended only as a guideline, or skeleton, for attempting to discern the soul-level purpose in a given incarnation.   Its symbols should be interpreted in the context of the totality of the birth chart and within the realm of the intuitive perception of the astrologer.   In the future, when the psychology of the Seven Rays becomes blended with the art/science of astrology, the interpretation of the Soul's Purpose Formula will also be qualified by the soul (and Monadic?) Rays of the native of the horoscope.
         The Soul's Purpose Formula, consisting of astrological glyphs, represents an abstraction of energies characteristic of the planes/dimensions which transcend normal human consciousness.   Because words tend to limit, or even distort, the abstract ideas which they attempt to convey, one verbal expression of a Formula is at best only a partial picture of the soul's purpose of the native.  For a more wholistic perspective, it is recommended that at least two, and preferably three, verbalizations of the astrological formula be rendered.   The combination of these two, three, or more interpretations will hopefully give a type of gestalt of the astrologer's viewpoint of the native's soul purpose.
         This astrological formula for describing a soul's purpose is (as is all of astrology) a fusion of language and art.   Differing from a mathematical formula in which there is a concrete, one-to-one correspondence between the symbols and what they signify, the Soul's Purpose Formula consists of symbols deriving from the plane of Buddhi, or intuition, where verbal concepts are left behind in favor of more refined, pervasive energies.   The interpretation of the Soul's Purpose Formula, then, perhaps represents astrology at its finest:  a bold attempt to bridge Buddhi with intellect by stepping down archetypal energies into verbal form.

         For an example of the use and interpretation of the Soul's Purpose Formula, please see How the Soul of William Blake Spoke through his Art.

The Nature of the Soul


The Nature of the Soul

A textbook on the Art and Science of Meditation
“In all times and places, each culture had its Mystery Schools and Traditions. These esoteric paths of training reached beyond morality and philosophy, to that Spiritual Alchemy which transformed the spiritual seeker into a conscious co-creator, empowered to take up the work of spiritual evolution upon this planet.
The internal disciplines of Visualization, Concentration, and Meditation, were designed to produce those evolutionary changes and growth within the brain that allowed the indwelling Consciousness greater perception and creativity within the arena of matter.
The title of Adept or Master meant the mastery of mental, emotional and physical matter. This was not abandonment, but the joyful re-creation of our world into harmony with the Divine Plan.
This class, "The Nature of the Soul", provides in-depth training in this Art and Science. Step by step, the student will be instructed in those techniques that will unfold the Soul within the personality, and which will allow that Soul to take up its Service within our World.
The techniques taught are a synthesis of Eastern and Western Mystery Tradition, but are especially designed for the Western Student.”


About Lucille Cederdrans

April 4, 1921 – June 21, 1984

Little is known of Lucille Cedercrans private life, however her work covering a period of approximately 12 years, from 1951 to 1963, was recognized by many disciples. Then as now, her works continue to be taught and respected.

Lucille traveled extensively throughout her life, teaching in response to a powerful inner calling. While it is known that she wanted her work to be passed on to those who would be attracted to its frequency, and who would apply its ideals, her intent was never to create an organization or institution.
The essential purpose of her major teaching, The Nature of the Soul, comprised of 40 lessons, was to develop the soul-mind alignment through a progressive series of meditation exercises and practices. The emphasis was on “learning through application” rather than study.
Some of the lessons were written by Lucille, others were transcribed oral presentations as she was holding an alignment with the New Thought-Form Presentation of the Wisdom.
Lucille Cedercrans taught and inspired many with her vision and life dedication. The application of her teachings will be her legacy among the Ashram.
The seeds of the Will, the Wisdom and the Light, sowed and cared for in the soul of the disciples, will produce fruit in all seekers. They will then blossom to become leaders, dedicated to the love and service of humanity, as was Lucille Cedercrans.

The Works of Lucille Cedercrans:

The Nature of the Soul
Teacher Training
Advanced Teacher Training
The Soul and it’s Instrument
Creative Thinking
Disciple and Economy
Leadership Training
Ashramic Projections
Applied Wisdom