Friday 19 May 2023

The Crystal Shift: Becoming the Crystalline Human


To live in bliss as a state of being you must be:

  • Coherently Spiritual
  • Creatively Thoughtful
  • Intelligently Emotional
  • Directly Purposeful

This is the profile of the Crystalline Human that you are becoming.

We begin with a new understanding of COHERENCE from a spiritual perspective.

  1. Recognize the coherence within your Universal Auric Field as you connect with the life forms you embody throughout this universe.
  2. You are functioning between the 5th and 9th dimensions in this part of your evolutionary development.
  3. This is an expanded understanding of what it means to be spiritual, to function from within your spiritual body.
  4. Coherence is the integration of how you express yourself throughout this universe.

The Clean-Up Operation

To consciously participate in the integration of your universal expressions, you have to release any attachments to older and lower vibrations that defy or resist integration on every level of your universal being. Here are questions to get started:

  1. On what dimension of me is this lower vibration being released?
  2. How does it correlate to or effect my third to fifth dimensional
  3. existence on Earth?
  4. What am I more free to accomplish, here and everywhere, due to this release?

These questions cannot be comprehended by the human mind but can be addressed through human awareness. Awareness requires a conscious recognition of how you are participating in your own clean-up operation. This leads to the following set of questions:

  1. What is the purpose of this being within my universal matrix of self?
  2. What are the possible consequences of such behaviors, thoughts or concepts, and choices being considered for activation?
  3. With whom and for what am I aligned, for what, when and how?


Collaboration in our context is defined as the process of unifying energy fields to their highest magnetic resonance, to break through to the higher electrical currents of existence. This is electronic freedom and relates to the like attracts like principal. The outcome is peace. Invite others to this experience of collaboration to create a new humanity.

Building a Life of Peace

Practice the premier creativity that comes from peace. In a peaceful state you excel in:
The concepts you entertain.
The choices you make
You manifest within harmonic resonance.
You achieve your highest artistic vibrational expression.
You create inspiration wherever you go and co-creativity results. You are completely supported with easy access to infinite resources.
Are you willing to be an expert in happiness?

The Golden Octahedron

The coherence of your universal spiritual body is maintained by the rotational spin of the golden octahedron transmitting the frequencies through which your universal expressions are sustained.

Our next step is to engage the CREATIVE THOUGHT of the Luminous Heart.

  1. Luminosity directs the way to peaceful existence and evolutionary development by accessing higher dimensional guidance. It is the thought process of the fifth dimensional mind.
  2. Luminosity combined with purity is the experience of unconditional love on a mission. Unconditional loving facilitates evolutionary development.
  3. The unconditional love of the fifth dimension is calm, relaxed, and expansive due to its purity and luminosity. Humans don’t know how to love this way in the third dimension. We are evolving into our capacity to unconditionally love as fifth dimensional beings.
  4. Humans conceive love for a “part,” not the whole. We experience duality in particulate matter because everything appears divided. This is a reflection of our own separation from cohesive living.
  5. We see ourselves in parts and then our parts start to fight with each other. This has lead to self-destruction individually, and is assisting in the destruction of our current civilization. The collective human heartbeat is faint in specific areas around the globe where isolative pain has destroyed any sense of cohesive community.
  6. Purity celebrates the whole because it exists. It does not recognize duality. It has the power to reopen the third dimensional heart, broken and shut down by isolative pain, by reintroducing multi-dimensional connection and wholeness.
  7. Purity radiates through the fifth dimensional luminous heart that serves as a multi-dimensional Light Chamber for creative thinking. The luminous qualities of a light bearing heart are:
    • Transparent and bright,
    • Joyful and soft,
    • Buoyant and fluid,
    • Highly intelligent,
    • Gender balanced.

The Luminous Heart

  • Multi-dimensionally intelligent.
  • Energetically fluid.
  • Recognizes whole systems and incorporates all the individual
  • components into a cohesive whole.
  • Recognizes its power by understanding the consequences of its behavior.
  • To become intelligent, shift the human power base from the human brain to the multi-dimensional heart. Do not trust your rational facilities to determine the course for your life. Develop a kinesthetic awareness to access the creative energies of the luminous heart. It will always create cohesive applicable experiences for your universal life expressions.
  • The human heart is as afraid of taking control as the human mind is of surrendering control. The head, as the follower, must co-create with the heart as the leader. Let the luminous heart love the irrational human mind to calm it down to receive guidance.
  • The luminous fifth dimensional heart is a frequency transducer providing assistance for the transformation of the human mind into full cohesion with the intelligent multi-dimensional heart. Spiritual healers can utilize the modulating capacity of the luminous heart to assist others in self-healing.
  • Luminosity and purity are received, amplified, and transmitted through cohesive crystal lattices. Multi-dimensional creativity is downloaded into life forms throughout the universe through crystals. For humanity, the downloading of coherent thought patterns that assist us in manifesting our evolutionary creativity can be effectively delivered through crystals with laser-like accuracy.

The Blue Diamond Crystal and the Blue Heart Star

The blue diamond crystal is the geometry of your luminous multi-dimensional mental body and home to the purity of your fifth dimensional blue heart star.

We act with EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE to experience integrated manifestation.

  1. To be clear about what you are manifesting and why, you must understand multi-dimensional co-creativity. All of your universal expressions are manifesting, each in their own worlds, and every decision each part of you makes has an impact on your human life on Earth.
  2. Ask yourself: Who is feeling this way? From which dimension are you? Become aware of which expression of your being is active in a particular situation or experience. Work with this part of you, listening to the story unfolding.
  3. Reign in your human self and take control of your Earth plane experience to gain access to your multi-dimensional emotional body. What kind of energies are you radiating that can be disruptive to or inhibiting your highest good?
  4. Your multi-dimensional emotional body directly connects you to the integrated manifestation occurring throughout out your universal expressions. Coherently, integrated manifestation concerns the highest good of all of you, understanding the ramifications of every intention each part of you makes for the rest of your being.
  5. Your entire being is co-creating physical and non-physical realities simultaneously.
  6. Frustration, in this matter, is a sign of progress, not defeat. Don’t give up. Keep seeking, “why” as a multi-dimensional answer. What part of me needs to become present on the Earth plane? When and how?

Manifesting in the Fifth Dimension

  1. Humanity is currently having a fifth dimensional light experience while being embodied in a third dimensional world. The electrical energies of the fifth dimension are fluidly penetrating the electromagnetic constraints of the third dimension and creating confusion, distress, and even havoc.
  2. Direct confrontation and hard approaches to this evolutionary experience are unhelpful. Embrace the tender and open-hearted energies of the luminous fifth dimensional heart to move forward.
  3. The fifth dimensional heart’s intelligence is greater than human experience and can ease the confusion, discomfort, and disorientation occurring as the third dimension feels like a void. Living within the fifth dimension brings ease into your life as you embrace the neutral energies that avoid drama, release fear, awaken generosity, and nurture peace.
  4. The fifth dimensional emotional body runs on understanding, unconditional loving and respectful action. It is creating a new bell curve of multi-dimensional intentional action that resonates throughout your being.
  5. In the context of the energy wave of the fifth dimensional emotional body:
    • Understanding is a state of being. Music as spiritual transmission supports the experience of universal coherence.
    • Living in unconditional love increases the ability to perceive multiple realities. A culture of oneness is facilitated when multiple perspectives are appreciated and engaged.
    • Through respectful action life-affirming choices are consistently made. Unconditional access to technology and natural resources are unquestioned in a peaceful civilization.
  6. This energy wave of the fifth dimensional emotional body is the frequency generator for the awakening of the luminous heart. Humanity will ride this wave to build a new civilization of peace. It will take five generations, starting with the current one, to entrain an evolved humanity capable of living in peace with the Earth, solar system and galaxy.
  7. The Earth wants your unconditionally loving company as you reside upon her. Through your fifth dimensional emotional body you will see your life through new eyes with true respect for the lessons of your life experiences. Become:
    • Fearless
    • Open
    • Accepting
    • Understanding
    • Aware
    • Compassionate
    • Humble
Be gentle in your healing. Be tender in your living. You will find grace.

The Pink Stellated Dodecahedron

The pink stellated dodecahedron sends the frequencies of your intentions throughout your universal expressions for manifestation. It is the intelligent delivery of your co-creative desires within universal harmonic resonance through which new realities manifest.


  1. As of December 16, 2009, the cell walls of the human body began to crystallize to receive fifth and higher dimensional transmissions linked to the activation of the universal auric field. The human body is now connected to the multi-dimensional crystalline matrix through which higher dimensional frequency waves travel.
  2. Order, symmetry and cohesion are the hallmarks of a silica-based biology into which humanity is evolving. In order not to physically die during the transition from a third to a fifth dimensional world, your body has to crystallize.
  3. Your universal etheric body is the vehicle through which your physical form is crystallizing. Through it your expansive multi-dimensional blueprint is being imprinted upon the physical matter of which your anatomical systems are composed.
  4. The crystallized human body is focused, ordered and directed so that it can receive and navigate through higher electromagnetic frequencies.
  5. Humanity’s universal monadic auric field is an interlocking electromagnetic matrix that allows for multi-dimensional healing to upgrade the physical mechanism that is the human body.
  6. View your body as an electromagnetic machine learning to function with the integrity of galactic life-force. This is a brand new experience of physical human existence.
  7. Learn how to consciously communicate within your expanded electromagnetic matrix to utilize multi-dimensional frequencies for healing, manifestation and to experience multi-dimensional joy. Engage your etheric ability to mapquest your consciousness.
  8. This is the process of physical enlightenment that allows you multi-dimensional access through your physicality. Although crystallization can feel initially confining, your universal electromagnetic matrix can consciously take you anywhere throughout this universe. There is great freedom within crystallization.

The Green Octahedral Matrix

Through the green octahedral matrix your physical form is evolving into a silica-based biology. Your Earth Star modulates incoming higher dimensional frequencies to create ease and reduce the painful symptoms of this difficult and physically taxing process. Your etheric body serves as a double terminated crystalline receiver, transmitter, and amplifier serving your entire monadic auric field.

The Crystallized Human

  1. The crystallized human is a fifth dimensional being whose physical body resonates with and participates in a multi-dimensional universal awareness of existence.
  2. The fifth dimensional worldview of the crystallized human consists of:
    • A complete balance in the kingdoms of nature, the byproduct being harmony.
    • An inherent understanding of what it means to live harmlessly, yet interdependently, upon each other.
    • Requires the understanding of the meaning and purpose of a life form in order to respectfully participate with it.
  3. Purity, clarity, balance, and harmony are the functional hallmarks of the evolved fifth dimensional human being.
  4. No heroes are necessary in the fifth dimensional world. There is no need for them.
  5. Although individuals may choose harmony, they cannot save the world. The civilization, collectively, must make this choice.
  6. As conscious receivers of fifth dimensional realities, you are here now to light the way and chart a realistic course to the development of a new civilization of peace.

The Golden Spiral

The geometry of the universal physical body is the golden spiral. Through it all forms of life throughout this universe evolve physically into their next dimensional expression.

  1. Imagine the spiral configuration of our Milky Way Galaxy. Now visualize a similar golden spiral rotating horizontally through your solar plexus, both abdomen and back, and expanding through your universal auric field. Relax into your physical evolution.
  2. The Golden Spiral is the geometry of your physical body. It is the energy through which your spiritual essence, your electromagnetic signature, embodies into multi-dimensional life forms throughout this universe. It correlates with the phi ratio of the Golden Rectangle, the Fibonacci sequence of numbers through which the patterns of all physical life in this universe express themselves. On Earth, this includes all the kingdoms of nature, stones, plants, animals, and humans in coherence with planetary life.
  3. Yellow jasper, lemon quartz and sulphur will assist in your physical journey into multi-dimensional by resonating with the Golden Spiral functioning within your universal auric field. Drinking a gem elixir of yellow jasper and lemon quartz, singularly or together will vitalize the precipitating new physical form being born from the old. Sleeping with sulphur next to the bed will assist with the departure of unnecessary carbon-based structures to make room for the expanded functioning of crystalline human being.
  4. The evolution of the physical form into fifth dimensional resonance occurring through embodiment is an experimental technology that is advancing the understanding of life in this universe. To consciously upgrade an unconscious civilization in the throes of remembrance is indeed a daunting task. Yet, it is exciting in its ramifications for the transitional ease of life forms throughout this universe.

We are happy to offer this meditational mechanism as our gift to humanity to facilitate the physical cohesion of your humanity into your universal multi-dimensional presence.

Wednesday 3 May 2023

The Secret Study Of Seeing With Sound - Sonic Magic

Sound has the power to charm, annoy, and even change history. Sonic Magic: The Wonder and Science of Sound reveals the historic force, promise, and potential of sound – and a strange phenomenon called cymatics that has created a new scientific mystery. Sonic Magic explores how sound has shaped our history, introducing us to fields of acoustic ecology and also research labs where sound is eliminating cancer tumours and much more.

The Ancient Science Of AUM Mantra

Saints in all religions revere the Cosmic Vibration. “The Qur’an refers to this sound in the words, ‘Be! And all became.’ Moses heard this very sound on Mount Sinai, when in communion with God; and the same word was audible to Christ when absorbed in his heavenly Father in the wilderness. Shiva heard [AUM] during his Samadhi in . . . the Himalayas. This sound is the source of all revelation to the masters. . . . It is because of this that they know and teach one and the same truth.” Thus observes HAZRAT INAYAT KHAN, in The Music of Life.

AUM is God’s Consciousness in creation. According to Paramahansa Yogananda, AUM is not an abstract principle, it is a scientific way of understanding and merging with the Divine Cosmic energy in the universe. “Through the actual hearing of this Cosmic Vibration, a conscious contact with God or Christ Consciousness can be established. Hence, in order to scientifically contact God, one must reach Him first through AUM” (Cornell 14).
Paramahamsa Yogananda says:
“I want to get this matter completely settled into your consciousness, that while prayer and meditation are good, and we should practice, we must not forget that the purpose of meditation is to receive this Holy Ghost. No one, if he doesn’t know the AUM vibration, can get there. That is all there is to it” (Cornell 12). 

The Philosophy of Sound- Mantra Yoga

Mantra can be said to be the highest form of philosophy because it provides the concentrated form of language necessary to embody the highest truths beyond our physical reality. David Frawley remarks that Mantra is a deeper level of speech that reflects the laws of the universe, what is called dharma, 'that which upholds', in Sanskrit. Mantra is the 'language of dharma' that enables us to understand what dharma is and how it works. That is why in Mantra Yoga different sounds correspond to the natural and spiritual forces through which the universe operates, starting with Om itself as the cosmic word (Frawley 45).

Mantra Yoga provides us a means to understand the sacred sound from the perspective of a tradition that has taken it beyond mysticism into an organized and codified spiritual science. Mantra Yoga includes a study of the qualities inherent in sound itself, through which words and meanings are properly formed. It shows how sounds impact the nervous system, mind and heart, and how we can modify them to improve our lives. Regardless of which background or tradition you may personally follow, the insights provided in Mantra Yoga can be of enormous value to enable you to manifest your destiny creatively, effectively and completely through understanding the power of the Word, says Frawley (26).

Soul Powers - Virtues are evolutionary energies


So, the name of the game is to MANIFEST the Soul in our three personality vehicles: mental, emotional and physical body – thinking, feeling and acting life.

To do that we need to expand our consciousness to include the reality of the Soul AND we need to saturate and penetrate our vehicles with the qualities of the Soul.

Now, these so-called Soul qualities are higher Soul energies that have the power to propel us forward on the arc of evolution.

In colloquial language we call these evolutionary energies virtues.

Virtues are not just empty names on a piece of paper. A virtue, by definition, is a Soul energy and a SOUL POWER that enables us to manifest our Soul here on Earth, in our daily life. A virtue, by definition, is an EVOLUTIONARY ENERGY. Therefore: Virtues help us to evolve.

Begin to live as a Soul

In Soul-Powers! 10 Steps to Awaken your Sleeping Potential into Active Power, you will learn how to awaken these powers of the Soul within you by weaving 10 Spiritual disciplines into your daily activities that enable you to manifest the powers of the Soul and begin to live as a Soul.

Seven reasons why to systematically develop virtues

But WHY, you may ask, why should you strive to manifest the powers of the Soul? How can they help me in a practical way in my daily life?

Here are seven compelling reasons why you should seriously consider to begin working systematically on the unfoldment and development of these Soul powers, or virtues, as they are commonly called.

1: Enter the 5th Kingdom

2: Live as a Soul

3: Meet Needs

4: Eradicate Karma

5: Experience Beautiful Transition

6: Give Healing

7: Give Self-Confidence


The Spiritual path is the path towards Spirit. This is the reason why we call it the Spiritual Path and why, in order for us to reach this goal, we have to spiritualize our consciousness and material nature. The closer to Spirit we advance, the higher and finer the frequency. We cannot enter the higher dimensions with a low vibration. Therefore, we have to sublimate our lower nature and raise our vibration. Virtues, being evolutionary energies, enable us to do that. Without unfolding and developing virtues, we literally cannot take the next step in our evolution and evolve into the fifth kingdom in nature. When we are not evolving (moving towards Spirit), we are naturally involving (moving towards matter).

These are just seven out of countless reasons why it is a noble endeavor to deliberately engage ourselves in the cultivation of Soul powers. 

we are living in very exciting times but we are also living in very challenging times. Albert Einstein once said that “we cannot solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them.” The solution to all our problems in life, both on a personal and planetary level, is to raise our heart and thinking to the next level.

This next-level-thinking involves the realization that we live in a world of energies and forces. This has always been the case, however, only now are we starting to realize this. Only now are we beginning to realize that our goal is to learn to consciously wield these energies and forces for an evolutionary purpose.

For many, many lives we had no clue about any of this, and so we have been living in a world of energies and forces all along, and they have been influencing us and moulding us all along, and we have even been unconsciously directing these energies and forces all along without us realizing what we were doing.

And being identified with the matter aspect (=body) and separation, and living a selfish life as a natural consequence of our identification, we have naturally been using the energies at our avail for selfish purposes, for involution and densification – instead of for evolution and sublimation. We were not aware of evolution as we are today.

We did not understand that involution is the densification of Spirit and that evolution is the sublimation of matter. We did not understand that virtues are evolutionary energies and that vices are involutionary forces, and that we should cultivate the first and eliminate the latter.

Everyone of us has a so-called character

What we commonly call character is simply the sum total of energies that characterize our consciousness. Energies!

So long as we remain unaware of the fact that we live in a world of energies and forces, the energies around us will continue to play upon and influence us and we will continue to be a so-called victim of circumstance (circum, Latin = around). In other words: We will continue to be the victim of the energies around us.

However, once we understand that we live in a world of energies, and that there exist different types of energies that are characterized by different qualities and that in colloquial language we call these different qualities of energy virtues (or vices, if used for an involutionary/selfish purpose), we can learn to consciously wield these energies for an evolutionary purpose.

Realize that virtues belong to the higher dimensions and that when we draw them into our aura, they will magnetically lift us up into the finer dimensions of reality,

Understand that disease is the result of inhibited Soul life – virtues are Soul energies that enable the Soul life without inhibition, thereby bringing healing,

Comprehend that virtues support the flow of Soul energies into our system whereas vices clog and congest the nadis through which the prana and higher energies circulate, causing illness as a consequence,

Learn that virtues and vices, by definition, condition the quality and chemical composition of our blood stream, lympathic system and endocrine system, of our skeleton, nervous system, muscular system etc.,

Become aware of the reality that vices, being involutionary in nature, cause densification and slow down our vibration,

Come to appreciate that virtues, being evolutionary energies and Soul powers, literally give us power, energy and strength; thus: we feel less tired and more energized,

Know that as we charge our nature with the frequency of virtues (=higher energies), our whole nature becomes charged: our thinking, our actions, our language etc. all become charged,

Come to understand that our aura is a self-created atmosphere and that when we cultivate a pure, high level self-created atmosphere, nothing of a lower nature can penetrate it,

Gain the revealing insight that virtues create a tangible, measurable force field of high level electricity around us which acts as a natural shield of protection,

Recognize that our thoughts, emotions, desires etc. are literally magnetically maintained and kept together in our aura,

Wake up to the reality that as we begin to develop our divine potential (virtues), we begin to radiate our divinity via the etheric network of humanity to all of humanity,

Understand that our vices make our bodies coarse and dense, while our virtues make them radioactive and light,

Learn that the spiritual path is like climbing a ladder and that virtues are the rungs that allow us to climb the ladder: with each virtue we develop, we take another step towards our Divine Self.

Purification: An Alchemical Process


It is not possible to advance on the Spiritual path without going through a process of purification. The word purification comes from the Latin and means „to make pure.“ („purus“ = pure; + root of „facere“ = to make) It literally means „free from extraneous matter.“

Being an extension of Source, we are – like Source – a trinity: Spirit – consciousness – matter; in intuitive philosophy this trinity is also known as: Monad (Spirit or life aspect) – Soul (consciousness aspect) – Personality (matter aspect).

Our mental, emotional and physical/etheric bodies constitute the so-called personality vehicles. Our bodies are made of various degrees of matter (physical/etheric matter, astral matter, mental matter). The quality of the matter constituting our physical/etheric, emotional and mental bodies is dependent on the thoughts we think, the feelings and emotions we experience, the words we speak, and the actions we take.

Now, I would like to take a moment and talk about the need of purification, focusing specifically on our matter aspect, our bodies. At the end, I will explain why purification is a necessary discipline which we cannot evade if we are to take the next step in our evolution and advance into a Soul-conscious species.

Let’s begin with our mental body.

Since in our current stage of evolution we are mostly unconscious and passive and pay little to no attention to our thinking, we naturally allow the people around us, the situations we find ourselves in, the programs playing on TV, global events, etc. to condition our mental body. Said another way: The newspapers we read, the shows and movies we watch on TV, the conservations we have at work and with our family, the people we hang around with, all play upon and condition the matter of our mental body. Since we, as a human family, are still mostly identified with separation, most of these vibrations are separative in nature. They separate us from Source and from one another.

However, the Spiritual path is the path of gradually replacing the illusion of separation with the reality of oneness. Therefore, to accomplish this, we need to purify our mental vehicle of all separative elements. If we do not systematically purify our mental nature of these separative elements, we will not be able to grow and advance. On the contrary: we’ll stay stuck exactly where we are and keep going in circles. You need to understand that we will not just wake up one magical morning having a fully purified and enlightened mental body. If our mental nature is going to transform into one of love and light and beauty, we will have to take the initiative to do so.

Now, how do we purify our mental nature? One of the most essential ways – and that‘s just one way – to purify our thinking is to begin observing our thinking. As you observe your thinking, the moment you catch yourself having a thought of fear, hatred, separation, anger, etc., immediately stop it and replace it with a thought of love, joy, gratitude and freedom. Energy cannot be destroyed but it can be transformed. When we replace a thought of fear with a thought of love, in that very moment of changing the direction of a thought current, we transform the energy of that thought current and thus literally transform the quality, wiring and substance of our mental body. Changing fear-based thoughts into love-based thoughts is literally an alchemical process. As we keep raising the substance of our mental body by purifying it on an ongoing basis (by continually replacing fear-based thoughts with love-based thoughts), we can use our mental body for an increasingly higher, divine purpose. (To think high thoughts, we need a mental body made of high vibrational mental substance; with a low order mental body we cannot think high thoughts!)

Purification is a necessary discipline on the Spiritual path because it is the discipline that enables us to replace coarse matter with fine matter (in all our vehicles). Purification is a discipline that enables us to alchemically transform our vehicles so as to provide our Soul with suitable instruments to express and manifest itself on Earth. And why should we strive to manifest express and manifest the Soul on Earth?

Great question! Because, again, it is current evolutionary goal to advance into a Soul-conscious species – and we reach this goal by each one of us manifesting our Soul on Earth – in our thinking, feeling and acting nature.

What about our emotional body? The quality of our emotional nature is dependent on the feelings and emotions we express – past, present, and future. Fear-based emotions are separative in nature. Cutting off oneness, they literally destroy the wiring of our emotional nature and create short-circuits in our nature. As as result, we cannot change our emotional responses but are caught in so-called emotional automatic reactions. Someone attacks us, and we automatically attack back (before we even have time to „think“ about what we are doing). To heal these cleavages, we need to flood our emotional nature with love and joy and gratitude, etc. Fear separates, love mends. This way we literally heal the wiring and raise the substance of our emotional nature. So: Observe your emotional automatic reactions. As you catch yourself reacting on automatic pilot, stop yourself in the middle (to the best of your ability) and make a conscious effort to consciously respond in a new, loving way. In this way you install a new program. Part of our evolutionary goal is to master and control our bodies so we can use them in service of the Soul and Spirit. When we have an emotional body that does its „own thing,“ the Soul cannot use it in service. When you purify your emotional nature by flooding your feeling nature with love and joy and gratitude, and by striving to respond to what happens in your life in new enlightened ways, you literally purify and thereby raise the very frequency of the cells constituting your feeling instrument.

Lastly, we also need to purify the matter out of which our physical body is made. Now, how do we accomplish that? Through fasting, deep breathing (I am not talking about pranayama!), sports, sweating in the sauna, etc. Fasting, deep breathing, sports and sweating are excellent disciplines to release coarse matter from our physical matter and build new, finer, higher matter into our densest vehicle. In other words: these are excellent exercises to purify and raise the frequency of the cells constituting our physical body.

Now, this being said, as we all know: we are NOT our bodes. So why bother to purify our vehicles if we are NOT our bodies? Excellent question! As I have said in the beginning, we are a trinity: Spirit, Soul, matter. These three aspects work together in unison. The Soul is Spirit’s vehicle of expression, and the matter aspect (involving ALL our bodies) is the Soul’s vehicle of expression.

In other words: The Soul cannot manifest itself without matter (without bodies) because matter is the very vehicle for the manifestation of the Soul.

Our current evolutionary goal is to advance into a Soul-conscious species. Our current evolutionary goal is to MANIFEST the Soul, and for the Soul to manifest itself it needs suitable instruments. A suitable mental, emotional and physical instrument is free of lower-vibratory coarse matter and full of high-level-vibratory fine matter. The Soul literally cannot manifest itself in a heavy, lower-vibratory physical body, emotional vehicle and mental house.

Monday 1 May 2023

Spiritual Research - Angels


Types and hierarchy of angels

Abstract: Since times immemorial the concept of angels has fascinated humankind. Angels appear in religious, mythological and other literature across all cultures. They are invariably depicted with wings. Many people pray to angels. We conducted spiritual research on various aspects of angels with the help of extrasensory perception (ESP) or sixth sense. Through our findings using spiritual research methodology, this article demystifies the topic of angels and offers fresh insight into them.

Copyright © 2007 Spiritual Science Research Foundation Inc. All Rights Reserved.

No part of this website may be reproduced in any form.
No drawing based on subtle-knowledge, picture or text may be duplicated or copied without the express
written permission of the editor of the Spiritual Science Research Foundation.

1. Introduction

Through spiritual research methodology we have studied the various aspects of angels. This article answers many frequently asked questions on angels and provides insight into the world of angels. We have also provided drawings based on subtle-knowledge of some of the various forms of angels as actually seen through subtle vision or sixth sense.

2. What are angels?

Angels have existed since the beginning of creation. They are beings from the lower part of the subtle-region of Heaven (Swarga). They are the lowest in the hierarchy of positive subtle beings. Their primary purpose is to act as messengers for lower level deities in the lower subtle region of Heaven. Deities speak in the language of light whereas we humans speak in the language of sound. Angels therefore act as step-down transformers carrying messages from lower level deities to deserving beings in a language they can understand. This is primarily through the medium of putting thoughts in their minds. By deserving beings, we mean humans on Earth and subtle bodies in the Nether region (Bhuvarlok) who have some background of spiritual practice or merits. The messages are generally about how to address a particular worldly issue. About 5% of the time angels themselves also give worldly advice. As their duty is mainly on Earth, most of them are Earthbound. When they are not delivering messages they lead a life devoted to experiencing pleasures in the lower subtle region of Heaven after death.

3. What are the various types of angels?

There are in all some 30 varieties of angels. We have shown some of the more popular types of angels and their corresponding spiritual level in the table below.

Types of angels

The reason for the variety of angels is that each one operates at a different frequency. This allows them to relay messages to the multitude of human personalities who match their frequencies the best.

3.1 What is the spiritual level of angels?

Samashti spiritual level refers to the spiritual level attained through spiritual practice for the sake of society (samashti sādhanā), while vyashti spiritual practice refers to the spiritual level attained through individual spiritual practice (vyashti sādhanā). In the current times, spiritual progress for the sake of society has 70% importance while individual spiritual practice has 30% importance.

Most angels fall between 29-34% spiritual level. The minimum spiritual level for humans to make it to Heaven (Swarga) after death is 50% (samashṭi) or  (60% (vyashṭi). Despite their comparatively low spiritual level, angels reside in the lower part of the subtle region of Heaven. Just as on Earth along with humans we have other animal species and the plant kingdom of lower spiritual levels, so also in Heaven, along with subtle bodies of humans with higher spiritual levels and lower level deities, we have angels.

3.2 Drawings based on subtle-knowledge and brief description of some types of angels

The following drawings based on subtle-knowledge of angels have been drawn by Mrs. Yoya Vallee, a seeker of the Spiritual Science Research Foundation (SSRF) who is able to see the spiritual realm just as we see the physical realm. The drawings based on subtle-knowledge have been verified by His Holiness Dr. Athavale for correctness.

Please also refer to the article on ‘What do we mean by drawings based on subtle-knowledge?

Note: Any drawing based on subtle-knowledge can be influenced by ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.). We have put a protective border around all the drawings based on subtle-knowledge of angels to protect against any influence of negative energies while the seeker with sixth sense perceives and transcribes the drawing based on subtle-knowledge for us.

Hierarchy of angels - Cherubim type
Types of angels - Dominions type
Hierarchy of angels - Powers type
Types of angels - Seraphim type
Hierarchy of angels - Principalities type
Pictures of angels - Archangels type

3.3 How is it that the types of angels shown above do not have wings?

Angels have traditionally been depicted having wings. However spiritual research conducted by SSRF has revealed that only 30% of angels have wings. 70% of angels do not have wings. The 30% of angels that have wings are of the lowest order of angels. They communicate with human beings regarding fulfilment of very low worldly desires. The higher angels do not have wings.

Video: The above drawings based on subtle-knowledge of angels have been seen and drawn by a seeker who does spiritual practice under the guidance of SSRF. The following is an excerpt of an interview with Mrs. Yoya Vallee while she was creating the drawings based on subtle-knowledge of angels.

Yoya is speech and hearing impaired and so the video has subtitles.


3.4 Influence of ghosts in drawings based on subtle-knowledge

Quite often negative energies pose as angels and misguide people and create illusory forms of angels with wings. In this way quite often ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) try to mislead people who have psychic ability. As many psychics guide society, negative energies mislead psychics who in turn unintentionally mislead the people they are guiding. It is for this reason that in 90% of cases when the average psychic sees an angel, it is generally a ghost. Hence it is very important for a person with subtle vision to verify their drawings based on subtle-knowledge with a spiritual guide of the spiritual level of at least 70%.

3.5 What are guardian angels?

There is no such thing as a guardian angel. Some ancestors who have deep affinity for the family communicate to help their family members regarding worldly matters. These departed ancestors may be mistaken for the guardian angels. Ancestors who are in the range of 20-30% spiritual level can help only about deriving worldly pleasures. Only those ancestors above the spiritual level of 50% can help regarding spiritual progress.

3.6 Are angels male or female?

Angels can be either male or female. Only subtle entities and subtle bodies above the subtle region of Heaven, i.e. in Mahaloka etc. due to their high spiritual level of over 60% (samashti) or 70% (vyashti) do not identify themselves with any gender.

3.7 What is the composition of angels as per the subtle basic components?

Types of angels - Proportion of subtle components in angelsThe percentage proportion of the three subtle basic components in angels is given in the chart on the right hand side.

Refer to the article on what is Sattva, Raja and Tama, the 3 subtle basic components of the universe.





4. Other frequently asked questions about angels

4.1 Can we see angels?

As angels are subtle-beings they are not visible to the ordinary human eye. They do not appear before us. They can be seen only with the help of advanced and activated extrasensory perception (ESP) or sixth sense. Their mechanism of communication with us (humans) is through putting thoughts in our mind.

4.2 How many angels are there?

There are innumerable angels.

4.3 How close are angels to God?

Considering the relatively low spiritual level of angels (i.e. 29-34%), they are very far from God. (One has to be near 100% spiritual level to be close to God.)

4.4 Do angels have the power to answer our prayers as in fulfilling our worldly wishes?

No, angels do not have the capacity to answer prayers, i.e. they cannot bestow any favour or get anything done for humans on their own. At the most they can guide people with regard to worldly matters by putting thoughts in their minds. This happens about 5% of the time.

4.5 When we pray to angels if they don’t answer then who answers the prayer?

The prayers are answered either by our departed ancestors or ghosts. However in their eternal quest to gain control over humans in order to exploit them or to satisfy their cravings, ghosts or ancestors take advantage of the prayer to ingratiate themselves to the person by satisfying his small wish. However, in the process of fulfilling his wish they engulf the person in their black energy. This then enables them to acquire control over the person and cause distress to him. Refer to the article on, “Why would my departed loved ones and my other ancestors want to give me pain?

4.6 Do angels protect us from negative energies?

Angels due to their low spiritual level cannot fight with even lower level ghosts and hence cannot protect us.

4.7 Are angels worthy of worship?

They cannot answer our prayers to help us with spiritual growth. Hence they are not worthy of worship.

5. In summary

  • Angels are the lowest in the positive subtle hierarchy in the Universe. Their only function is to deliver messages for lower level deities in the subtle-region of Heaven to deserving humans or subtle-bodies in the nether region.
  • As they cannot guide us spiritually nor protect us from negative energies, they are not worthy of worship.
  • Invariably ghosts (demons, devils and negative energies, etc.) take advantage of humankind’s fascination for angels. They take the form of angels to misguide psychics who in turn unintentionally misguide society.

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