Monday 15 June 2020

Language of Light

Nguồn: Anna Scalar

The Language of Light is the language of your Soul. As your innate language within the Universe of God/Source/Creation, it is a vast and powerfully transformative divine language with comprehension well beyond the mind.

Language of Light as energy transmissions that “provide dynamic restructuring and realignment of your Light Body according to non-dualistic higher Truth and divine Light programs.” It is pure Grace bringing you exactly what you need in the moment of prayer, invocation.

“Light can be carried into the DNA in various ways, including sound. Sound creates light and is the pollinator of our DNA, it activates it, and DNA responds to it. Sound enlivens your DNA….” ~ Deborah DeLisi

While Language of Light is still relatively unknown on the earth plane, it is a particularly dominant aspect of my healing and Humanity Rising ascension work.

At unconscious levels, and in the heart and cells, everyone is fluent in this frequency language as it is the primary form of communication throughout all of God’s Creation.

This divine language can only be accessed through the vibration of Love. Language of Light is the term generally used for what is also called the Language of Creation/Source/God/Love/Soul/Angels.

It a divine multidimensional communication sharing love, light, healing, and information from the higher realms of Creation. It is literally Source Light encoded with Whole-Light (non-dual) information.

Holographic in nature, this transcendent language is a multidimensional quantum expression. As such, everything you need is present in the moment you receive it.

“Language of Light is like a divine computer code that can re-code our very nature to restore our divine blueprint. Its key-code geometries and vibrational frequencies in sound, light and color attune us to Source, unlocking hidden and latent pre-programmed blueprints for higher light functions, awareness, consciousness and ancient memories of our divine nature and heritage.

These key-codes open locks enabling us access to akashic records and ancient lineage held in our DNA, which not only respond to the photons of light - but also creates them; The light is transmitted via electro- chemical RNA , which activate the glands, and stimulates the chakras, via electro- nerve threads - nadis.

In their turn, the chakras, through the conscious alignments create soul awareness.

It can be life changing to gain insight to our soul gifts and divine purpose, as well as attributes, qualities and memories of our totality.

As these sound light key-codes open locks within us, we are re-calibrated to once again hold the higher consciousness energy patterns of Divine Love and Oneness. Latent divine soul blueprints and enhanced capabilities are activated as we are attuned to our Soul essence and Divine Source within and without.

In all its quantum forms – spoken, toned, sung, written, signed with the hands, - quietly beamed from the heart or emitted as invisible flashes of light in geometric patterns, codes and colors – the Language of Light always carries a divine blessing that is perfect for each one receiving it in that moment.

While most people will not have a mental understanding of the Language of Light, it is received by the higher-mind, heart and cellular consciousness where its divine information and instructions are uncoded and utilized in full knowing.

“The antahkarana is the major pathway for connecting to our lower, everyday consciousness with our highest and [S]piritual
[C]onsciousness. It is also known as the ‘Rainbow Bridge’ or the ‘Bridge of Light’ and is a wave length frequency consisting of three main components of energy fields: etheric, astral, mental.

Although everyone has all three components, one of the three ( etheric) requires additional work to be built upward from the individual back to the Soul and Monad.”

There is an etheric channel, which we must cross, at the alta major center. Bridging this etheric gap involves creating an ephemeral
thread, which is called the antaskarana.

Master D.K. elaborates, “Part of the work of the [hu]man who is developing thought-power has to do, is build a temporary channel in the etheric matter to bridge the gap, this channel is the antaskarana.”

It is all one path, but the Path of Initiation has to be trodden consciously by the thinker functioning through the central organ in the head, and from there intelligently traversing the Path which leads through the three worlds to the realm or kingdom of the soul.

According to ancient teachings, energy moving in both directions through, “threads”, is vital for both the development of life-force energy centers, and, the development of Divine Will within Spiritual Consciousness.

The gates to the head is the heart, that  links  with the thinking  heart  in  the head,  and  so  inspires  the throat  centre,  towards  the higher  mind,  which  activate  the alta  major  centre, to  be  eventually  the transmitter  of  divine  will,  from  the  soul.

It might be stated here that the awakening of the heart centre leads a man to consciousness of the source of the heart centre within the head.

This in turn leads a man to the twelve-petalled lotus, the egoic centre on the higher levels of the mental plane.

The path from the heart centre to the head, merely formed for the purpose of bridging oneself to the higher mind; and it shows commitment to know oneself and Spirit. It is a choice, not a test.

“This comes at a time when the human unit consciously aspires and throws his will on the side of evolution, thus making a constructive life.”

Thursday 4 June 2020

The Seven Rays of Divine Manifestation

By William Meader

The Seven Rays
~ Overview and Origin ~
It is no understatement to say that the Seven Rays are foundational to the entirety of Creation. Indeed, within the Esoteric Philosophy it is believed that these seven streams of Divine Life condition all that we see and know. Each is understood as sacred, and each is a unique quality of consciousness arising from the Beingness of the One Life (Divinity).

When considering human life, the Seven Rays create the marvelous variability in the way we individually pattern our thoughts, the areas of interest we uniquely have, and the emotional and physical behaviors we demonstrate within our day-to-day lives. Beyond this, these divine emanations also underpin the consciousness of nations, the social systems that govern human civilization, as well as the energies that animate entire kingdoms of nature.  As such, the study of the Seven Rays assists us to not only better understand ourselves, but also the larger living systems within which we live.

Below is a link to a video excerpt from a workshop I did entitled, The Turning Point. The emphasis of this particular workshop was on humanity’s transition from a Sixth to Seven Ray Age. In this short video clip I am providing the participants with an overview of these two rays and their cosmic origin. I hope you enjoy it.

The Seven Rays of Divine Manifestation

Who am I? Strangely, this powerful question is one that seems difficult to fully answer. It is a question that is asked by each of us (consciously or unconsciously) every day of our lives. Indeed, it is not an exaggeration to say that all aspects of life are arenas wherein we seek answers to this question. Though sometimes difficult to recognize, our personal relationships, the career path we follow and the beliefs we hold are all unconscious attempts at answering this perplexing question.
When looked at from a spiritual perspective, it is the search for the soul that is our quest. But how do we recognize the soul within? And, is the nature of the soul the same for everyone? The tendency is to believe that every human soul expresses the same essential qualities. Such assumptions, however, are only partially true. Though all souls are inherently conditioned by love, beyond this commonality significant variation exists. The purpose of this article is to introduce the seven fundamental types of souls in the world today.
Before describing each soul type, it is important to briefly comment on the nature of light, for it provides an important analogy that will help in understanding soul variation. When white light is projected through a prism it divides itself into the seven colors of the visible spectrum. Each color is unique unto itself, and each affects us a bit differently. By analogy, when we examine world religions we also see that light is used as a symbol for divinity—the Light of God. And, just as white light divides itself into seven colors, so too does the Light of God express itself in seven qualities. In the ancient Esoteric Philosophy, these divisions of divine light are referred to as the Seven Rays, and every human soul is found upon one of them.

Description of the Seven Rays

To begin, it is important to know that, though brief, each of the Seven Rays (noted below) is descriptive of a soul type. Yet, in a wider sense, the Seven Rays condition all levels of human existence, including the various aspects of one’s personality (lower-self). Indeed, all of the rays condition each of us. Ray differences between people are related to the vehicle of consciousness that a ray is working through. For example, a particular ray may condition an individual’s emotional nature. Yet, for another person that same ray may instead condition the mental body of his/her personality. Nonetheless, for the purpose of introducing the Seven Rays, describing them from the perspective of the soul seems most fitting.

Ray 1 – The Ray of Divine Will and Purpose

The intention of this ray is to reveal the Purpose of Divinity within the human kingdom. All life is evolving, and it is the objective of this Ray to supply the power and direction to this evolutionary movement. Therefore, the function of the First Ray Soul is to express the power of divine purpose through loving strength and one-pointed vision. Its role is to shatter those forms that no longer adequately express the Love of God. In the ancient records, this ray was called The Lightning which Annihilates, for it frees life from outworn modes of expression. It seeks to liberate humanity as a prelude to  building new societal forms through which to express ourselves more radiantly.

Ray 2 – The Ray of Love and Wisdom

The Second Ray conditions life with Divine Love. Its role is to reveal the unity that underlies all apparent diversity within Creation. Love, as revealed through compassion and understanding, is how this ray is expressed for those whose souls are conditioned by it. It is the ray of inclusivity, and relates all things to each other by revealing the love that underlies outer events. One of the ancient names for this divine radiation is The Cosmic Magnet, for it attracts all unto itself. Although all the rays are crucial to humanity’s development, none are of greater importance than the Second Ray. For according to ancient record, it is this ray that governs the life of our entire solar system.

Ray 3 – The Ray of Intelligence and Activity

The Third Ray relates to the expression of Divine Intelligence. Essentially, it is this ray that provides the underlying intelligence in all of nature. With respect to the human kingdom, it is the force that animates human thought. Its purpose is to reveal the Mind of God within the consciousness of humanity, as well as to give spiritual understanding to all human activity. For those souls upon the Third Ray, their purpose is to reveal Divine Intelligence by demonstrating the interconnectedness of all ideas. In addition, this is the ray most associated with karma, for it holds the memory of what was, as well as what is to be. For this reason the primeval name used to identify this ray was The Keeper of the Recorders.

Ray 4 -The Ray of Harmony Through Conflict

The Fourth Ray is the force that creates a longing for equilibrium and beauty. Within the manifested universe, all existence is perceived dualistically. Indeed, all experiences can be seen in opposite ways. The function of this ray is to find balance and resolution to these warring dualities ever present within the human experience. People governed by the Fourth Ray tend to immediately see both sides of opposing perspectives and will persistently seek to harmonize them. The Beauty of Divinity is what is sought, for when harmony is achieved beauty emerges. Within all expressions of life there is a hidden seed of spiritual harmony, and it is this that the Fourth Ray soul yearns to find. For this reason, one of the ancient names for this ray is The Seed that is the Flower.

Ray 5 – The Ray of Concrete Knowledge and Science

The Fifth Ray is the ray that Clarifies Divinity through the pursuit of correct knowledge. Its role is to create within human consciousness the ability to discern truth from fiction. Scientifically precise examination of reality gives clarity to what is observed in our world. The one whose soul is upon the Fifth Ray will often dedicate his/her life to finding scientific solutions (truth) to the problems facing humanity. His/her spiritual purpose is to demonstrate that reasoned knowledge helps us understand the spiritual realm underlying all that we witness within Creation. In the archives this ray was called The Dispenser of Knowledge as a way of proclaiming its mission.

 Ray 6 – The Ray of Idealism and Devotion

This is the ray that brings vision and spiritual aspiration to humanity. Indeed, its mandate is to bestow the Vision of Divinity to those receptive to it. During the last several centuries, this radiation has shaped into human awareness a yearning for the spirit within. It has lifted our eyes to upwardly gaze, and to know that something much greater than life (as we know it) awaits those who aspire toward the light within. People whose souls reside upon the Sixth Ray tend to devote themselves to ideals that have the power to lift humanity into the realm of Spirit. To them, the path to to enlightenment is idealism and in the letting go of human desire. For desire is recognized as an anchor preventing one from upward ascent. As such, in the ancient literature this ray has been called The Negator of Desire.

Ray 7 – The Ray of Ceremonial Order and Magic

The Seventh Ray is best known for bringing order out of chaos. Its purpose is to provide the energy needed to translate spiritual ideas into tangible realities. Through its influence the Manifestation of Divinity is made possible. This ray influences humanity to outwardly create according to divine intention. An individual with a Seventh Ray Soul is the true magician. He or she is naturally able create positive change in the world. This is achieved through the power of the spoken or written word, and the ability to build outer forms that can anchor profound spiritual principles. Such a person understands the magical power of speech as an instrument for creating new forms through which divinity can be express. It is therefore not surprising that the ancient name for this ray is The Keeper of the Magical Word.

Concluding Remarks

From one perspective there is truth in the notion that all souls are the same, for every human soul is a radiation coming from the one Light, which is the One Life itself (God). Yet, when considering the soul as it expresses through the personality, all souls are not identical. As I have briefly attempted to illustrate, there are seven types of souls, each conveying a unique divine quality and intention. Each has something spiritually essential to convey as a function of service to humanity’s betterment. The journey to enlightenment is more than simply finding the soul deep within oneself. Discerning its nature and quality is also important. Through such realization, more of the soul can be effectively expressed in one’s life. In truth, knowing the quality (ray) of the soul is to discover the unique spiritual mission we are each here to fulfill.
© 2018 (revised) William Meader

The World of Meaning: The Circumstantial Revelations of the Soul

By William Meader

To live a meaningful life is to participate in the consciousness of the soul. When the soul is inwardly touched, a sense of purpose is slowly realized, and meaningful living then emerges in life. Meaning is therefore a state of consciousness. It represents an evolution away from perceiving outer events at face value. Instead, events are understood as symbols that reveal hidden significance. When a person begins to experience this, it indicates that s/he has stepped into the World of Meaning: the state of consciousness through which the soul’s wisdom is revealed.

Every human being will one day enter into the World of Meaning, either in this life or another. It is an inevitable step on the long journey of spiritual evolution leading to eventual enlightenment. However, to see this requires that we refine our understanding of evolution. Contrary to Darwinian theory, evolution is not based upon the changes occurring in the physical form of a species. Instead, it is rooted in the changes occurring in consciousness. In other words, the physical changes that occur over time are not the cause of evolution, but are instead its effect. Consciousness evolves, and form simply reflects this. And, at a certain point in the evolution of consciousness, the World of Meaning becomes part of one’s awareness.

The World of Meaning reveals the pattern of truth underlying outer circumstance. When the mind is engaged in it, various life events are no longer viewed as random. Things that may have seemed arbitrary in the past are recognized as having underlying organization. As such, a person is able to intuit a deeper meaning beyond the outer appearance of things. Something significant is revealed. In this context, the word “revealed” is important, for the World of Meaning is always a state of consciousness that is revelatory. It sheds light into the darkness of uncertainty and confusion.

When a person begins to seek explanation to the circumstances of his/her life, it indicates that the World of Meaning is being touched. However, the insights gained are often misinterpreted, at least initially. This misinterpretation will usually manifest in one of two ways.  In the first instance, s/he will tend to project cause or fault onto the outer world.  Distrust toward circumstance then emerges. When severe, conspiracy thinking can even take hold. In such cases, the source of one’s life predicament is believed to be the duplicitous motives of others. The second misconception is one of naiveté. In this case, the search for hidden meaning is strong, but the discriminative faculty of the mind is feeble, thus distorted perception easily takes root. Without clear mental discrimination, such a person will tend to seek hidden meaning in every event in life.

In time (often in a subsequent incarnation), these two tendencies are corrected. The individual who projects fault will begin to realize that, although there are people in the world of duplicitous motive, the real enemy is within oneself. From this acceptance, an honest ability to introspect develops. S/he then begins to understand that the meaning revealed within life circumstance is impulsed from within, not from without. And, to the individual who believes that every event (whether major or minor) holds important meaning, a tempered understanding will slowly be developed. This person will learn that there are times when the soul reveals something “profoundly meaningful” through a given circumstance, while at other times it rests in latency.

It may be asked, how does one know if the World of Meaning is actually being experienced? Admittedly, it is different from one person to the next. The spiritual constitution of each human being is quite unique. This, coupled with differing karmic backgrounds, causes “meaningful realization” to be widely diverse among people. Even so, there are certain fundamental features of perception that are common to all experiences coming forth from the World of Meaning, and therefore from the soul.

1.      Meaning brings understanding to what was previously incomprehensible. The soul holds the wisdom acquired from countless incarnations. When conveyed, this wisdom provides a type of understanding that the lower self (personality) does not possess. Though accurate memory of our past incarnations is questionable, the “patterns” of truth learned in previous lives is what the soul radiates into the mind. These patterns then form the foundation of spiritual insight and meaningful thought.

2.      Meaningfulness tends toward simplification and away from complexity. When an individual senses something spiritually meaningful, it indicates that his/her perceptions have grasped upon a broad principle of truth. This principle then gives explanation and clarity to something that seemed complex and confounding. Broad principles (realized by the abstract mind) are simple, as compared to the usual thoughts of the logical, concrete mind.

3.       The World of Meaning always adds context to one’s perceptions. By this is meant that meaningful insight comes when we learn to perceive, not just an event, but also the context to which that event is a part. At first, this is done solely with reference to one’s personal life. For example, an individual seeks deeper meaning of an event (let us say – a career happening) in relation to the wholeness of his/her life. In this case, the wholeness of life (including family, interests, beliefs, etc.) is used as a context for gaining insight into the particular event in question. Later, as consciousness further evolves, the perception of context enlarges beyond the self. This type of expanded context could be related to a variety of things, such as some particular social issue, political ideology, or a collective belief cherished by group of people. Still wider, a person’s context of consideration could encompass humanity as a whole. The important principle to understand is that the big picture always deepens our understanding of the little picture. In short, context gives meaning to content.

4.       Spiritually considered, the realization of meaning is both a centralizing and decentralizing experience. The insights gained should give a person a deeper realization of his/her soul and its nature. In this sense, it is a centralizing experience, for it facilitates greater Self-realization. However, it is simultaneously decentralizing. This is because it causes a person to subtly realize that s/he is merely a cell within a larger life expression, namely humanity as a whole. From the esoteric perspective, humanity is considered one living entity composed of billions of cells, each of which is a human being. And, it is via the World of Meaning that the first glimmering of this is realized within the mind.

From the spiritual perspective, the things that are meaningful in life give added understanding to life. As consciousness expands, our understanding of life and existence increase proportionately. Indeed, the meaningfulness of life deepens at every step upon the evolutionary path. We therefore must examine the events of our lives with an eye to the subtle. We must look more deeply at life events with an understanding that the soul often speaks through circumstance. How this is done is a science unto itself. First and foremost, it requires that one learn to suspend judgment. To recognize a circumstantial message requires added time so that it can be properly sensed within the mind. Premature judgments prevent this from happening. Secondly, sensing the hidden meaning within a situation requires that part of the mind be held in quiet wholeness. Meaning does not emerge through sequential reasoning. Instead, it comes through our ability to hold all the variables (in a given circumstance) within a unitive field of awareness. In short, it is a technique that requires perceiving life in two ways simultaneously. That is, to be alert to the interaction of variables within a given circumstance, while at the same time seeing it as a profound singularity.

Participation in the World of Meaning is an evolving process. Indeed, it takes several incarnations to fully live in such a state. It is a realm of consciousness used by the soul to convey its purpose, and it shapes the underlying patterns of human perception. By so doing, deeper significance is recognized within outer events. When the World of Meaning is entered, a veil is lifted from one’s eyes, and revelation is then conferred. Transcendent truth is thus discovered, meaningful and profound.