Wednesday 3 May 2023

Soul Powers - Virtues are evolutionary energies


So, the name of the game is to MANIFEST the Soul in our three personality vehicles: mental, emotional and physical body – thinking, feeling and acting life.

To do that we need to expand our consciousness to include the reality of the Soul AND we need to saturate and penetrate our vehicles with the qualities of the Soul.

Now, these so-called Soul qualities are higher Soul energies that have the power to propel us forward on the arc of evolution.

In colloquial language we call these evolutionary energies virtues.

Virtues are not just empty names on a piece of paper. A virtue, by definition, is a Soul energy and a SOUL POWER that enables us to manifest our Soul here on Earth, in our daily life. A virtue, by definition, is an EVOLUTIONARY ENERGY. Therefore: Virtues help us to evolve.

Begin to live as a Soul

In Soul-Powers! 10 Steps to Awaken your Sleeping Potential into Active Power, you will learn how to awaken these powers of the Soul within you by weaving 10 Spiritual disciplines into your daily activities that enable you to manifest the powers of the Soul and begin to live as a Soul.

Seven reasons why to systematically develop virtues

But WHY, you may ask, why should you strive to manifest the powers of the Soul? How can they help me in a practical way in my daily life?

Here are seven compelling reasons why you should seriously consider to begin working systematically on the unfoldment and development of these Soul powers, or virtues, as they are commonly called.

1: Enter the 5th Kingdom

2: Live as a Soul

3: Meet Needs

4: Eradicate Karma

5: Experience Beautiful Transition

6: Give Healing

7: Give Self-Confidence


The Spiritual path is the path towards Spirit. This is the reason why we call it the Spiritual Path and why, in order for us to reach this goal, we have to spiritualize our consciousness and material nature. The closer to Spirit we advance, the higher and finer the frequency. We cannot enter the higher dimensions with a low vibration. Therefore, we have to sublimate our lower nature and raise our vibration. Virtues, being evolutionary energies, enable us to do that. Without unfolding and developing virtues, we literally cannot take the next step in our evolution and evolve into the fifth kingdom in nature. When we are not evolving (moving towards Spirit), we are naturally involving (moving towards matter).

These are just seven out of countless reasons why it is a noble endeavor to deliberately engage ourselves in the cultivation of Soul powers. 

we are living in very exciting times but we are also living in very challenging times. Albert Einstein once said that “we cannot solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them.” The solution to all our problems in life, both on a personal and planetary level, is to raise our heart and thinking to the next level.

This next-level-thinking involves the realization that we live in a world of energies and forces. This has always been the case, however, only now are we starting to realize this. Only now are we beginning to realize that our goal is to learn to consciously wield these energies and forces for an evolutionary purpose.

For many, many lives we had no clue about any of this, and so we have been living in a world of energies and forces all along, and they have been influencing us and moulding us all along, and we have even been unconsciously directing these energies and forces all along without us realizing what we were doing.

And being identified with the matter aspect (=body) and separation, and living a selfish life as a natural consequence of our identification, we have naturally been using the energies at our avail for selfish purposes, for involution and densification – instead of for evolution and sublimation. We were not aware of evolution as we are today.

We did not understand that involution is the densification of Spirit and that evolution is the sublimation of matter. We did not understand that virtues are evolutionary energies and that vices are involutionary forces, and that we should cultivate the first and eliminate the latter.

Everyone of us has a so-called character

What we commonly call character is simply the sum total of energies that characterize our consciousness. Energies!

So long as we remain unaware of the fact that we live in a world of energies and forces, the energies around us will continue to play upon and influence us and we will continue to be a so-called victim of circumstance (circum, Latin = around). In other words: We will continue to be the victim of the energies around us.

However, once we understand that we live in a world of energies, and that there exist different types of energies that are characterized by different qualities and that in colloquial language we call these different qualities of energy virtues (or vices, if used for an involutionary/selfish purpose), we can learn to consciously wield these energies for an evolutionary purpose.

Realize that virtues belong to the higher dimensions and that when we draw them into our aura, they will magnetically lift us up into the finer dimensions of reality,

Understand that disease is the result of inhibited Soul life – virtues are Soul energies that enable the Soul life without inhibition, thereby bringing healing,

Comprehend that virtues support the flow of Soul energies into our system whereas vices clog and congest the nadis through which the prana and higher energies circulate, causing illness as a consequence,

Learn that virtues and vices, by definition, condition the quality and chemical composition of our blood stream, lympathic system and endocrine system, of our skeleton, nervous system, muscular system etc.,

Become aware of the reality that vices, being involutionary in nature, cause densification and slow down our vibration,

Come to appreciate that virtues, being evolutionary energies and Soul powers, literally give us power, energy and strength; thus: we feel less tired and more energized,

Know that as we charge our nature with the frequency of virtues (=higher energies), our whole nature becomes charged: our thinking, our actions, our language etc. all become charged,

Come to understand that our aura is a self-created atmosphere and that when we cultivate a pure, high level self-created atmosphere, nothing of a lower nature can penetrate it,

Gain the revealing insight that virtues create a tangible, measurable force field of high level electricity around us which acts as a natural shield of protection,

Recognize that our thoughts, emotions, desires etc. are literally magnetically maintained and kept together in our aura,

Wake up to the reality that as we begin to develop our divine potential (virtues), we begin to radiate our divinity via the etheric network of humanity to all of humanity,

Understand that our vices make our bodies coarse and dense, while our virtues make them radioactive and light,

Learn that the spiritual path is like climbing a ladder and that virtues are the rungs that allow us to climb the ladder: with each virtue we develop, we take another step towards our Divine Self.