Monday 24 March 2014

1. Thoughts

Our Thoughts are far more influential in our reality than we previously thought...

Through our Thoughts and Emotions, we create our realities.

The discussion actually goes a LOT deeper than just that though. The best way to learn is to ask some questions. So we could ask "Are we our thoughts?", "Are we even our emotions?"

To me, Our thoughts and emotions are like clouds that move through the sky, where as we would be the sky itself. We are the Awareness of our thoughts, and the awareness of our emotions too.

I think what happens is that we get distracted by a lot of Thoughts because we don't know which ones are ours or others. Do you ever get mad by being next to someone who's mad, like in an elevator or a car maybe? Or if you're next to someone happy, they bring you up?

It's all information and vibration, and if we practice becoming aware of our thoughts, and pay more attention to ourselves, we can actually learn to interact and engage in the world in a bigger way than we could before!

If you say "I want to do THIS" but you don't see a way to make it happen just yet, the first step would be asking some questions, and becoming aware of just HOW to do it.

I'd like to share something with you. While I was traveling, I came across a book called "Awakening the Buddha Within". Buddhism, if you don't already know - is a path of inward reflection. Guiding yourself from the Light within, and becoming aware of yourself as a being, and your infinite connection to everything.

It's a really great book, and i thought it would be good to recommend!

The book was written by an amazing American man who left his home to Tibet and became a Lama, which is a great Spiritual Teacher.

When I say teacher... what i mean is someone who knows they can never stop learning.

I could go on and on, but i know that the longer an email gets, the harder and harder it becomes to read. And besides, next weeks toolbox is right around the corner! See you soon :)

Have a delightful day!

With Love,

Jordan Pearce

Links and Sources

The religion of the future will be a cosmic religion. It should transcend personal God and avoid dogma and theology.

-Albert Einstein

Can you feel it? A sort of…anticipation, growing stronger and stronger. Another way of putting it is time is speeding up – I’ve heard that discussion for a while now. I know most people have felt it at some point, maybe while watching the news, or perhaps something in their own lives.

Something big is about to happen. You can see signs of it all over the world, revolutions rapidly spreading across the Middle East, protests occurring in America and Europe. Earthquakes are devastating the world like in Japan, Myanmar and Greece. The global economy is failing so hard it’s like were looking forward into a global recession the likes of which makes the 30’s look like a cake-walk. Not to mention that if Global warming doesn’t put our planet into an ice age, we’ll kill ourselves from overpopulation for sure. And using the rate of doubling, we definitely don’t have the resources to survive the way we are for maybe a little over 10 years.

 Yet, despite all of these things, were about to learn something amazing. It’s something that will transform the earth that we know into something completely diferent, something incredible and beautiful. Many people across the globe have learned about this, they’ve applied it to themselves and witnessed marvelous changes. Others have dedicated their lives to talking about it, to teaching it. I am someone who’s still exploring it, and I want more people to talk about it with.

Mind, body, and spirit: This is a sacred trinity that allows us life on earth. Without even one of the three, we could not function properly. Yet, in today’s world – we only truly understand 2 of the 3. We have scientifically mapped the mind and the body, we understand next to every aspect of each of them. Yet, what do we really know about the spirit, the soul? What is it, where does it come from? For centuries, religions have been the primary source for answers pertaining to the soul, but they’re not concrete. Many diferent religions all have diferent answers and ideas about how things work on this level. Recently however, a discovery was made. Which led to new discoveries, and further discoveries. These incredible insights went largely unnoticed by the global community, and while governments and secret services of the world acknowledged them, it wasn’t something that really got to the masses. Today, this information is still slowly coming out, and I’m going to share it with you.


In the world of science, what do we really know about thoughts? We know we can measure them, by hooking up scanners you can measure the frequency that are emitted when you think them. They’re measurable, yet there isn’t anywhere specific in the brain that holds them. Is it possible that you create your thoughts outside of your mind? Mmm…maybe not, but is it possible that you create your thoughts into the external world, from your mind? This is what we’re going to talk about today.

 Have you ever had a moment where you knew exactly what someone else was going to say, about 2 or 3 seconds before they even started talking? Do you have a shared connection between a loved one or a pet, where you can always tell exactly how the other is feeling, or what they’re thinking of, even if they’re not around? You ever meet someone new who you got really bad vibes from, and your intuition turned out right? We all have had experiences like these at least a few times, some more than others. There are even a few there are people who can tap into this experience quite easily. I believe one of the terms for it is “psychic”? 

Lets say for the sake of discussion, that when you think of something – anything – it appears in front of you. No, not physically, but lets say it appears in a diferent realm that’s in and around all of us. We’ll just assume for now that it’s not something were consciously aware of, and is something that were going to discuss later on. Lets call it the Thought-realm…for now.

When you’re doing something, you start by thinking about it. Whether you’re building a pool in your backyard or making a sandwich, you have to have thought of it first. Yes, even subconscious thoughts like for walking or breathing. This shouldn’t be anything new to us. We think of things before we do them, even if it’s a split second before them. This is just how we function, and our physical actions match the thoughts that we’ve already created. You might say that you move through your thoughts, turning non-physical ideas into physical actions.

When an inventor gets an idea, this idea can quickly spread throughout all of his colleagues and friends. Ideas and thoughts are spreadable, multiple people can hold onto the same idea at once, allowing them to grow and develop further. In this scenario, don’t think of thoughts as separate, but as a whole that everyone is latching onto. Of course, because we can’t physically see this realm of thoughts, we can’t tell “exactly” what the original idea was, only the interpretation that they describe using functions like speech and body language, as well as our own intuition, which is how thoughts connect to each other. Because of this, we add a bit of our own creation to the mix; our own “spice”, while still working towards a common goal.

A social gathering is a good example of this at work too, people gathering together because they share the same ideas, thoughts and emotions as the rest of the people there. An example could be a college course on architecture; people interested in architecture would attend the course because they share the same interest mentally. This shouldn’t be anything mind blowing, it’s our day to day lives - just from a diferent perspective. Even if you’re using something that someone else made, you’re still creating this experience for yourself. You manifested that iPad or house or whatever into your experience.

So with thoughts connecting with other thoughts comes our first big realization. This new understanding of how intertwined we truly are, we are not only connected in the physical realm, but in a mental and spiritual way as well.

Up until recently, humankind has always understood simply that they were connected only through their physical being. We assumed that the conscious experience, as well as the thinking was totally 100% isolated from the rest of everyone else. The fact is, were not. We are so connected with each other it’s almost impossible to believe.

Think about almost every other creature on earth. What do we really know about the bond that connects them? Geese are able to travel long distances switching who flies in front like clockwork. Many fish swim in large schools and we know that they don’t have a form of verbal communication. Our pets are able to communicate with each other without speaking, yet it’s like they know what each other are feeling and connect in a very amazing way. Almost every observable creature on earth has a connection with at least their own species, if not others. We as humans are the next step in life, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have this connection. What’s to say that were not also connected to each other in this way? We’ve been out of touch with ourselves for an incredibly long time now, and we are growing increasingly disharmonic.

Now, thoughts being created are just the tip of the iceburg. The real interesting part comes when you look at emotions. Emotions are much more powerful than thoughts. Emotions pull on you, they control your actions; they guide you throughout your life. It’s not your thoughts that control where you sit in a class or on a bus, it’s if you like that girl or you think that guy smells. When a couple is together, it is their emotions that keep them tethered. You watch TV shows that you enjoy, you hang out with friends because you have emotional bonds with them.

Now, this applies on a smaller scale too. You ever have a morning where you wake up grumpy, then stub your toe and think “It’s just gonna be one of those days”, and find that the entire day just goes terrible?

What about the days you wake up excited, happy, and ready to go? Your whole day is just excellent in all of the right ways. Even if something bad does happen, your less afected by it because you’re in such a good place emotionally. The reasons these differences in how your day goes is because of YOUR emotional state. People like to think the world will go on exactly the same without you, but it really wont. People interact diferently with other people, and everyone would have completely different experiences.

Imagine this scenario. There’s a bully in a playground looking around for someone to beat on. There are kids playing sports, kids skipping rope, kids on the swings, and then of to the side there’s one boy who’s sitting in the grass watching the rest of everyone play. He doesn’t feel like anyone else will want to play with him, so he sits apart from the group. The bully instantly knows where to go, and the circle of hurting begins.

See, it’s through the feeling of being vulnerable that you become vulnerable in the physical. If the boy had walked outside for recess and told himself “I can fit in!”, he would probably be playing sports instead.  This applies to the bully as well, he didn’t have anyone else to play with – probably because of some insecurity (mental), that led him to the need to hurt others. He thinks that he’s doing good for himself by hurting the boy, except he’s really hurting himself long term.

You can also look into society and see a vast amount of evidence to support it. The people who are most successful are those who talk most of success. Those who speak most of illness have it.

Yes, illness is also a creation of yours. Typically we like to blame things on the virus going around or our own immune system. But the way we become susceptible to them is from inside, whether there’s some ongoing negative energy or some bad feeling that we allow into ourselves. We can also heal ourselves, but I’m going to save healing for another video.

There is one thing that becomes apparent through this understanding. You create your own reality. We are responsible for the situations that we find ourselves in, the things that happen to us good and bad. In the world today, we find ourselves playing the blame game quite a bit. It’s his fault I didn’t get the promotion, it’s her fault I couldn’t go to the game, it’s everyone else’s fault I’m so depressed. Whatever it is, and this may be the hardest thing to really truly get – it’s your fault. Your happiness, your sadness, your fears and your fortunes, every single experience of your life on Earth was because of you.

Remember, just as you are creating your own individual reality, we are creating our realities as a collective. We are one species, and as a species we are creating the realities that we experience together. One common argument I hear is ‘What about starving kids in africa? How are they creating their starving reality? Why don’t they just manifest a car? I would respond to that, that the western way of life is not really allowing for everyone on the planet to live in abundance, is it? Were using up all of the worlds resources, hardly sharing anything unless they’re paying a lot for it or if were getting something out of it. And we ask why they’re poor?

We haven’t been sharing with our brothers and sisters around the planet..But again, that’s us as a collective creating the reality that we experience around the planet.

This applies through all levels, as a family you create your reality, and your actions will change what the family experiences. Because of this, and because we are not in tune with ourselves, it may seem often that sometimes we don’t have complete control over what we experience.

Sometimes were seemingly forced into scenarios that seem out of our control. This happens as a result of our disharmony, and also lack of connection to our own intuition. When we become more in tune with ourselves, we can feel out certain scenarios and decide if thats the path we want to talk. Maybe i won’t go down the dark alley, maybe it feels right to not take that job.

Beyond that, once you have the experience that you feel is out of your control, now its your turn to decide what you do next. You can allow the experience to get the best of you and drain your energy, and move into a dense, unhappy place emotionally. Or, you can decide to take it for what it is, an experience, and keep moving forward. Every dark cloud has a silver lining, and if you’re looking for that silver lining, you’ll have a much easier time finding it!

 Many of us have heard of this thing called the “Law of Attraction”. Which talks about something similar to this, but talks more about evidence and not much about this thought realm. Over the entire world, people have written in to tell of their amazing stories where they really focused on having what they wanted, and got it through miracles and coincidences. This is but a small piece in the vast ocean of the internal world that I’ll be talking about. It is however very real, and you can literally change everything in your life by willing it so. I know this from personal experience, and it’s not hard to find others who have too. One continuous argument I hear from people who deny this “Law of  attraction” is “You don’t think things and change everything by sitting on your ass”, to which I reply “Exactly! You never stop moving. Just change your mindset and continue on with your life. Create your emotions in your minds, and then move into them physically. Pull your thoughts into the physical realm. Don’t let your emotions control you.  What can you do to change things? Well, just be good to yourself!

Fill yourself up with the emotion of love and happiness as you go about your day! Treat yourself, and try to change your perception of your life from what others think is best for you, to what YOU think is best for you. Take a few minutes to sit down and actually just ask yourself, “What do you really want?”. Of course, at first a lot of people might first think of money, wealth, fame, luxury, and hey these things are pretty nice. But will they buy you happiness? I guess that depends on you. I’ve found in my experiences is that beyond all of those things, what people really want is to be accepted, appreciated, and loved. By giving that to others, you will in turn get it back, and the bond that connects you to everyone around you will strengthen further!

I want to bring up one more thing before I run out of time. There was a scientists in Japan a few years back who made an incredible discovery, but one that also went largely unnoticed or recognized by the
global scientific community. Dr. Masaru Emoto discovered that by putting words onto a side of a glass of water and freezing the water, you could change how the water would freeze into crystals. On a jar that said “I love you”, this is how the water crystal froze. On a jar that said “You make me sick, I want to kill you”, it froze like this. If thoughts can do that to water, just imagine what thoughts can do to us. Well, looks like I’m about out of time for today. Before I go, I want to leave you with words to sit on. For anyone who is looking for direction right now.

You can have, do, or be anything you want.

Namaste, Thanks for listening!