Sunday 13 April 2014

Indigo Children

It is incredible to be alive at this time of transformation on the Earth, our home. You can see subtle signs of change everywhere you look, and the key factor of the whole thing is happening right before our very eyes.

Our children are going to one day grow up and be the leaders of the world. They are the next generation to take over from us,  and to create a life for themselves on this planet. What this means is that everything we do, has an impact on the world that they are inheriting from us.

Lately there is a big talk about the Indigo child. The word “indigo” in this context is speaking to the intuitive, insightful, and bright essence that flows through the energy of that individual.  We have to be careful, for we don’t want to create spiritual elitism with our kids, that is not going to help anyone.

What I mean by that is if we tell kids that some people are special and some kids are not, then they are going to grow up with a pre-written program that tells them that they are better than someone else. It’s very important to teach compassion, and love, and respect for everyone. That makes all of the difference in the world.

Everyone is God, and in a way, everyone is an indigo. The main difference that we’re actually describing is the amount of vitality and sensitivity within some children, which isn’t as present in others.  I believe the reason is related to where that essence and consciousness came from, and how long they have been on this planet for.

It’s also related to the natural evolution of our human consciousness, and the quickening of the mental processors and ability to communicate ideas.

“Indigo’s” or rather, many of the new children that are being born have a sense of youthfulness and vitality that not all children have, and that’s showing all over the place. They are just like everyone, but far more sensitive to each others energy. They are reflections for everyone on a more intimate level of human connection.

How to Nurture and Support an Indigo Child

This also applies to Indigo’s themselves. If you connect with the traits in the video above, then you can use all of this information to create a supportive space both for yourself, and those around you – including other indigos. Recognizing the patterns and traits that Indigo children often demonstrate will allow for an understanding of how to create a nurturing environment that helps the child or children grow.


1. Listen to what they’re “really” saying. Sometimes, it’s hard to match the words to the feelings, and so you’ll have to read between the lines, and then support them in having what they really want. It’s not always what they say they want.

2. When you’re communicating with them, make eye contact and show them that it’s safe simply through being in a safe space. Communicate not only verbally, but with your eyes, with your actions, and with your thoughts.

3. Introduce them to other indigo children or people who would be energizing and inspiring vibrations into their life. People who can help them grow. If this is not possible, find a way to make it possible.

4. Create an environment which allows for a flow of creativity and creation in any regard, such as painting, music, dancing, engineering, inventing, or writing.

5. Talk about fun stuff like past life memories or lucid dreaming, because it’s a regular thing that you can talk about.

6. Support a healthy lifestyle and take a different road than medication, there are plenty out there available…maybe I’ll make a post about that soon. Off the top of my head, check out juicing, cannabis oil, getting lots of fresh air and sunlight, meditation, and a space to exercise their creativity. (Please don’t take that as disregard doctors, just practice awareness with what will benefit the child, and what will harm him or her).

7. Make yourself available to connect with them and to find out what’s going on their world. Don’t be overly pushy though, that might cause them to close down. Simply presence that your present, and give them the space they require to open up.

7.5 – Understand that while anyone can open up, sometimes it has to come from a particular energy. You might be what is required to help them open up, and likewise, it might not be you. You can however – support them in connecting with that person or energy to open up, if that’s the case.

8. In regards to television, set them up to experience entertainment without commercials, however that looks like is up to you. And just make sure that the shows they’re watching are quality. Shows that stimulate the mind, movies that open up the heart, that promote growth and have good vibes about them.

9. Be there for them. Be there when things get emotional. In fact, be emotional with them. It creates a strong connection between the two (or more) of you.

10. Make some popcorn together and watch Spirit Science cartoons. (I couldn’t resist :P )

Maybe the most important thing you can take away from this article is that if we treated everyone like this, being supportive towards everyones needs and cheering them on to become the best that they can be, well that would make the world a very different place in no time.

With love,

Jordan Pearce