The PERSONAL IDENTITY PROFILE Version III is designed to describe your personality and Transpersonal Self or Soul in terms of certain essential subtle energies that condition all life on earth. According to the teachings of the newest form of psychology - esoteric psychology - these foundational energies emanate from the Sun, and planets of our solar system, from the twelve constellations of the zodiac, and from three major constellations (Sirius, the Pleiades and the Great Bear). From the perspective of esoteric psychology, the energies with which advanced humanity must immediately learn to work are energies emanating from the seven major stars in the Great Bear. The Ageless Wisdom Teaching asserts that the heavenly bodies are far more than massive, inanimate sky-objects; on the contrary, according to the esoteric sciences, the planets, stars and constellations are thought to be the "physical bodies" of great celestial Entities Who have immense intelligence and influence upon all human beings, and many other forms of life of greater and lesser magnitude.