Wednesday 25 October 2023

War - An Esoteric Perspective



We have been through countless bloody wars throughout the last few centuries. Yet we have not learned from our past mistakes. What are the causes of War? How to Stop it? All religions speak about peace and there are perhaps millions of people praying everyday in their altar for peace and harmony.

The causes of Wars are many. Namely:

  • Nationalism & Nationalistic Spirit

  • Religion & Sectarianism

  • Selfish Economic Interests

  • Greed & Materialism etc etc

We are collectively responsible for war because inwardly we all carry the spirit of nationalism, religious identity, self-seeking tendencies, greed etc etc. What we are inwardly, manifests itself as war on a National & International level. According to J Krishnamurti:

“War is the spectacular and bloody projection of our everyday life. It is an outward expression of our inward state, an enlargement of our daily action.”

From Krishnamurti’s Book THE FIRST AND LAST FREEDOM

J Krishnamurti further states:

“THERE ARE POLITICAL divisions, ideological divisions, religious divisions, national divisions, and the divisions between man and man. There are divisions as the Hindu, the Buddhist, the Christian and the Muslim, with all their sub-divisions. Wherever there is division there must be conflict. Wherever there are nationalities, the American, the Russian, the Chinese, there must inevitably be various forms of economic, social, military and political struggle. Perhaps most of us are aware of this, but we seem to be unable to do anything. See that where there is a division of any kind, there must be conflict.

These divisions exist, they are actual, not theoretical. And these divisions have brought about wars. Apparently, nobody is interested in stopping wars. Nobody is interested to find out the causes of war and whether those causes can be totally, completely eliminated. Neither the politicians nor the religious hierarchy are interested in ending war. They may talk endlessly about peace but you cannot have peace if there is division as nationalities.”

Krishnamurti in New York 1983, Talk 1

We all want wars to cease. But, very few of us are ready to transform ourselves from within so that we eliminate the sense of separatism within us. We are not ready to drop the sense of nationalism, patriotism, religious divisiveness, greed, selfishness from our consciousness. We have not done the spades work, yet we pray and meditate for peace. We will not succeed in our efforts to secure international peace as long as we have the elements of nationalism, religious identification, greed and selfishness within.

“YOU MUST DEMAND peace with all your heart, you must find the truth of it for yourself, not through organisations, propaganda and clever arguments for peace and against war. Peace is not the denial of war. Peace is a state of being in which all conflicts and all problems have ceased.”

- Krishnamurti in Bombay 1950, Talk 2

The dark forces want us to be nationalistic so that we fight and destroy each other incessantly until the earth is destroyed. We can put a stop to this if we have a complete radical revolution within ourselves.

-Torkom Saraydarian; Battling Dark Forces