Saturday 11 May 2024

Glamors and illusions - Torkom Saraydarian

 Disciples must very closely watch their glamors and illusions, as their progress depends upon the victory they achieve over glamors and illusions.

First of all, a disciple must know what a glamor is.Glamors are astral forms of our desires, which float in our aura and have certain connections with astral and etheric centers. Because of these connections, they exercise great power upon our actions, emotions, thoughts, and relationships.

There are many reasons why we must free ourselves from glamors.


1. Sap our psychic energy.
2. Create disturbances in our thinking.
3. Invite entities into our sphere.
4. Create disturbances in our relationships.
5. Eventually manifest as physical diseases.
6. Prevent the expansion of consciousness.
7. Do not let the mind operate with reasoning and logic.

Most our glamors are related o three centers: the base of the spine center, the sacral center, and the solar plexus. They not only control these centers, but also are nourished by the substance they provide.

The base of spine center is related to:
a. the desire for power
b. the desire of domination
c. the desire of totalitarianism
d. the desire for destruction
e. the desire for separatism

The sacral center or the sex center is related to:
a. the desire for physical contact
b. the desire for sex
c. efforts to attract people by movements of the body, voice, color, dress, make-up, perfume

The solar plexus is related to desires for:
a. possessions, greed
b. belittling criticism
c. gossip
d. malice
e. slander
f. treason
g. fighting

Now let us discuss the reasons why we should get rid of glamors.

1. Glamors sap psychic energy in order to survive and operate.

They take the psychic energy circulating in your aura. They also sap the psychic existing in the corresponding centers and deplete the organs related to the particular centers. Depletion of psychic energy eventually results in physical, moral, mental, and spiritual degeneration.

2. Glamors create disturbances in our mental sphere because the mind does not always agree with the demands of a glamor. Also, if it does agree, it brings the glamor into the mental plane and submits itself further to the demands of the glamor, even if it sees that logically it is doing wrong.

3. Glamors invite entities into the aura. Glamors are used as astral vehicles for certain earthbound entities which want to re experience the worldly life of pleasures and negative emotions. When they use your glamor, they either enter into your aura or operate your glamor to satisfy their cravings. Actually, your glamors smell and invite entities.

4. Glamors create disturbances in your relationships. Because glamors are formed by desires, they exercise a strong force to obtain the objects of desire, in spite of conditions, laws, or rules.

One can see the glamor of a person aggressively working to reach its objective. People do not always yield to such aggressive demands and fight back; people cannot always be forced or subdued.

Aggressiveness is the active manifestation of a glamor. Competition is the same, When glamors are absent, the person cooperates and shares.

5. Glamors eventually manifest as disease because of the depletion of psychic energy. If one can discover the main glamors of a person, he can clearly see in what area the disease will manifest. Sometimes the manifestation of glamors through disease is a release for a person. If he is a disciple, during the illness he can see his glamor and with the light of his mind, destroy it. Sickness often gives us a chance to put ourselves on the right track.

6. Glamors prevent the expansion of consciousness, because expansion of consciousness means annihilation of the glamor. The problem becomes worse when an entity in or with the glamor. It makes such strong demands on the mind that 90 percent of the mind operates to meet the need of the glamor, Addicts are examples of this condition.

7. Glamors not let let the mind operate with reasoning and logic.

Desire does not recognize rights other than its own, and because reasoning and logic are deadly enemies to glamor, it continually presents repulsion against them.

A glamored person does not like to hear anything against his desires. The desire blind his eyes.

Because of glamors, you lose your control upon your own mechanisms.

The glamors take over and manipulate them according to their objectives. They control your thinking, your speech, your emotional responses or reactions, and also your physical activities.

Entities are waiting to find a point of contact with the earthly life. That point of contact is a glamor in the aura of the person.

When an entity finds a corresponding desire of his own in the person, it smells the desire or the glamor and sneaks in and occupies one of the three lower centers, to them for its own satisfaction. For example, a glamor related to the sex organs makes those organs highly sensitive. The victim craves sex, and even if sex is given to him abundantly, his fire continues burning him until the organs develop problems and become useless.

Sometimes a person is glamored in such a degree that he has many entities, or a legion, in his aura, who are related to each other either by their hands and feet or by their tails...Christ met one such person who had a legion.

When glamors are abundantly in existence within your aura, you must not approach or collect the Teaching because your glamors will use it for their own nourishment and your future will become worse than your past. The Wisdom increases the power of your glamors. That is why before great Teachers impart any advanced formulas to you, they demand emotional or astral purification from you. This was the purification of the heart.

The ceremony of baptism is the symbolic ritual of the washing out of your glamors, and it is very interesting that almost all religions have corresponding ceremonies for purification.

Glamors sometimes accumulate at the doors of your sense organs and act as your translators. You hear, smell, see, taste, touch, and reach conclusions through the communication of the glamors. This keeps you out of contact with the real life going on in your environment and even within yourself.

We must note that actually these three lower centers are not sources of glamors, but their energy is used for glamors. They are very important centers and have many important tasks to fulfill in the evolution of the human being. For example, the base of spine contains the basic fire of matter which, when raised up to the spine, fuses with pranic energy and then with the fires of mind, and makes illumination possible.

The sacral center controls the whole generative process. When it is raised to the throat center, it is used for all creative processes in all fields.

The solar plexus us a great healing center. Many psychic powers are the result of the unfoldment of this center. This center is the link between the heat and lower centers. When it fuses with the heart center, it produces higher psychism, humanitarian activities, pure sensitivity, etc.
The forces of desire use the energies of these centers and nourish the glamors. Often because of this, transmutation of the lower centers is an impossibility.

Now let us discuss these three centers.

The base of spine center is related to five major glamors

- The desire for power manifests at your home, in your group, in your church, in nations, and in the world. It manifest in political, educational, philosophical, cultural, scientific, religious, and economic fields. This desire for power is charged with the energy of the base base of the spine center, This glamor very dangerous because it eventually leads the victim to total destruction.

The desire for power is like the fish which drank all the water in the lake and perished without water.

- The desire of domination resembles the desire for power, but is different. The desire for power uses armies, ammunitions, threats, fear, crimes, and violence for its power. The desire of domination uses dogmas, doctrines, ideologies, bribery, cunning, and hypocrisy, and manipulates your mind until you become a slave.

- The desire of totalitarianism is a glamor which expands in such a degree that the person wants all the people in the world to accept his thoughts, his logic, and his ideology and act the way he wants, so that they satisfy his pleasures and plans the way he wants.

The glamor demands absolute obedience in thought and in action.

The glamor of totalitarianism can bring dark years or ages upon a family, a nation, or humanity and delay their evolution for millions of years. Totalitarianism uses all channels of human endeavors to try to reach its goal.

- The desire for destruction is a very complicated glamor.

Some people bring such a glamor from their former lives, when they didn't have the possibility to exercise their revenge against those who were unrighteous to them. This glamor grows and becomes a huge desire to destroy.

Our glamors are not only self-induced or self-made, but they are also inherited from past lives or from parents and are often imposed upon us by friends or enemies. Our friends evoke or impose many desires in our heart and through their imagination they form our glamors, or give form to our glamors.

Enemies build in us destructive desires because of their antagonistic attitude and aggressiveness. Sometimes they instinctively know what to destroy, but often it is a blind glamor, activated by the environment and conditions, which motivates them.

The base of spine center gives the needed force to sustain this glamor. When it is built sufficiently, this glamor turns into the mechanism of a destructive entity. History knows such criminals in every nation.

- The desire for separation builds one of the most destructive glamors, not only within a family, but also within all humanity. This glamor acts as hatred, revenge, jealousy, isolation, pride, and ego.

If it is ensouled with an astral entity, it makes the life of the person or the nation aggressive, destructive, and totalitarian.

This glamor is very strong because it draws energy from the source of all illusions, which is separatism, in a mental or intellectual sense.

The sacral center is related to three major glamors:

- The desire for physical contact with objects or people for the satisfaction of pleasure grows and builds its glamor, which urges the person to use his five senses to feel for the sake of obtaining the object of desire.

- The desire for sex is often built by imagination or by impression received from parents and fiends. This glamor is the most bulky one in the aura of humanity today. It nourishes itself by pornography, licentiousness, and close contact with sexual objects.

We are told that millions of entities occupy such glamors in the auras of human beings and urge them to perversion, prostitution, unlawful relationships, violence, kidnapping, and rape. Not only do adults have this glamor, but also children, from around two to nine years old, who unconsciously obey the glamor which obsesses them. This glamor can be inherited or taken from the parents, or brought into this life from former incarnations.

- The desire to attract people for personal use, manipulation, and pleasure through gestures or movements of the body, through certain pitches or tones of voice, through sexy dressing and make-up, or through certain perfumes is the glamor that keeps many shops in business, If this glamor grows and dominates, it creates vanity and ego, and misuses weak people as its source of nourishment.

The solar plexus is related to seven major glamors:

- The desire for possessions and greed is a desire for land.

Money, and other objects. This glamor is called the bottomless bucket which can never be filled. It accumulates beyond the need and the capacity to use. It is an astral sickness which eventually creates many kinds of moral transgressions and crimes. It exhausts its owner and makes him incapable of using the things that he accumulates through such persistence and pain.

- The desire to criticize and belittle people is a glamor that hinders the progress of others and makes them build an inferior image of themselves.
We are not referring to constructive or instructive advice given to those who do better if they are shown how.

This glamor may express itself not only through your words but even through your looks, gestures, voice and writings, The curious thing is that this glamor can also hide itself behind flattery and bad advice coated with sugary words. You can get used to this glamor in such a degree that you never feel that all your expressions are being used by it.

- The desire to gossip eventually builds into a glamor and affects your throat and heart centers. Gossipers generally have defective digestion and heart and throat problems.

- The desire for malice, slander and treason are sometimes called "the three criminals." It is through these glamors that people destroy friendship, trust, right human relations, and cooperation and slowly isolate themselves from human relationships. When these three criminals are occupied by dark forces, they plan genocides and massive crimes without a drop of mercy or compassion. Dark forces wait for years to find such glamors, to use them as their mechanisms for destruction.

- The desire to fight eventually forms a glamor. The person feels a strong urge to fight, debate, argue, and create conflicts. If the glamor is ensouled by an entity, it turns into a real mechanism of destruction. To be able to do this, it forces the mind of the person to create all those weapons, known and unknown, which sap the precious energy, time, money, and life of humanity.

This glamor is an instinct inherited from animals, nourished by the desire for supremacy, and constructed by the human instinct of self-preservation.

This glamor will lead humanity to the final destruction, or to the final realization that people do not need to fight against each other, but rather fight against limitations that prevent human beings from reaching perfection.


The first and most major step is to use the light of the intellect, logic, observation, and analytical thinking.

The second step is to sublime the centers in such a degree that they do not tune in with the glamors. This can be done by using the virtue that is the exact opposite of the glamor.

Let's take, for example.
The desire for power
. Immediately when we observe that this desire is turning into a glamor, we must use our creative imagination and replace it with the desire to serve all and be the servant of all, without expecting any recognition. We can sit in meditation and begin to use our creative imagination and visualize how we are free from our glamor and are becoming a servant to humanity, asking no recognition.

When we develop this virtue and enact it in actual events in our life through our creative imagination, the power of the glamor decreases and eventually the glamor is eliminated, provided that the dramatization of the virtue is gradually actualized not only in our thinking but in our life, too.

When we observe that the desire of domination is becoming a glamor, we take its opposite, which is obedience, and meditate upon it, in the meantime using our creative imagination and dramatizing it in our daily life. What we do exactly is this: We try to study the meaning of obedience, discovering its deeper layers and putting our understanding into practice.

A short time later, we will see that the desire to dominate is changing and becoming first, a desire for loving obedience to the Divine principles and laws and to those who are the representations of these laws and principles; and second, an intelligent obedience to those who are authorities or superiors in our life.

Once in the army, our captain said to a soldier who used to rebel and seek superiority: "You will never be able to be a leader until you learn how to be a soldier and how to be obedient."

Contemplation on obedience in its various phases and an effort to actualize it in your life eventually destroy the glamor of domination.

The opposite virtue of the glamor of totalitarianism is "recognition of the rights of others".

The glamor of the desire for destruction can be replaced by the desire for constructive activities.

The glamor of separatism can be replaced by the desire to synthesize and unite.

The glamor of physical contact can be replaced by a desire to contact the Soul or the virtues of someone else, using your higher senses to contact the person or even an object.

The glamor of sex can be replaced by the desire to cooperate on heart and mind levels. Many couples overcame their overactive desire for sex by doing something more creative with their partner, such as composing music, singing, painting, working for politics, studying, science or psychology. In this way they have a partner who cooperates with them in their advancing interests, and they weaken the glamor of sex.

When the desire to attract people by outer means turns into a glamor, we can replace it by the desire to attract by virtues or by higher spiritual qualities.

For example. A woman wants to attract a man, and she does everything possible to make her face, her hair, and her body attractive; but she finds out that the influence or effect of these does not last long. Then she decides to develop virtues, heart qualities, talents, intellectual qualities; and she sees that she can now attract higher quality people, enabling her to eventually marry one of them. When we attract people by outer means, the unity does not last long.

The glamor of possessions can be replaced by the desire to share, to give, and to offer. Things that come to you must be shared, if you don't want them to nourish your glamor.

The glamor of belittling criticism can be changed by developing the virtue of seeing good things in others.

The glamor of gossip can be replaced by talking about science, politics, the Teaching, heroes, and great humanitarians or leaders.

The glamor of malice can be replaced by developing goodwill.

The glamor of slander can be overcome by developing a desire to protect the one whom you are slandering.

The glamor of treason can be overcome by the developing the virtue of faithfulness and trustfulness.

The glamor of fighting can be destroyed by the virtue which we may call the desire to understand an cooperate.

Thus we can use such a technique to eliminate our glamors and replace them by virtues.

Fear is one of the main sources which force us to create glamors, because fear gradually makes us the slave of the things which we fear.

With real fearlessness we do not create unnatural means to protect ourselves, A glamor is an artificial formation, which may have three foundation:
the desire to have
the desire to know
the desire to be someone

When we have the fear of loving, of being ignorant, or of failing, we create glamors to replace them.

- Torkom Saraydarian