Thursday 9 May 2024

The New Group of World Servers


In this year of Goal 6.3 of the Evolutionary Plan, dedicated to Communion with the World of Ideas, the members of the New Group of World Servers have the task of transforming ideas into ideals.

The New Group of World Servers is the intermediary between the Hierarchy and Humanity, and the Ajna Centre or “inner governing eye” of our Planet according to the esoteric trans-Himalayan Teachings.

Here is the related document:

The New Group of World Servers

“The function of the New Group of World Servers is dynamically to “force” the energy of the will-to-good into the world; the average man and woman, responding unconsciously, will express goodwill.” (A. A. Bailey – Discipleship in the New Age II, p. 38)

“The New Group of World Servers, composed at this time of all those sensitive and consecrated servers of the race whose objective is world peace, who aim at the establishing of good will on earth as the basis for future living and world expansion.” (A. A. Bailey – Esoteric Psychology II, p. 690)

On this day of the Taurus New Moon, the New Group of World Servers confirms the Wesak Festival of April 24th and prepares for the Gemini Full Moon (23 May 2024).

“At the times of the new moon and of the full moon, all members of all the Ashrams meditate deeply in an invocative and evocative manner; their meditation, therefore, falls into two parts: the first part is evocative of inspiration from the Nirmanakayas with Whom they deliberately get in touch; the second part is invocative of the New Group of World Servers and enables them responsively to come under hierarchical impression. Three times a year—at the April, May and June Festivals (the Aries Full Moon or Easter, the Taurus Full Moon or Wesak, the Full Moon of Gemini or of the Spirit of Goodwill)—there is a united hierarchical meditation led by the Christ; these Festivals are invocative of Shamballa or of that which lies beyond the Nirmanakayas and can only be safely carried forward in united meditation, under directed guidance and the highest possible inspiration.” (A. A. Bailey – Discipleship in the New Age II, p. 217).