Friday 20 September 2024

The 12 Assertions of the One Humanity


For the coming year, orientated by/to Goal 6.3 of the evolutionary Plan, dedicated to the Communion with the World of Ideas, we plan to solemnly celebrate the 12 Entrances into the 12 Signs of the Zodiac with 12 Assertions of the One Humanity, as well as the full and new moons Festivals, similarly to what was accomplished in the year 6.1 and the year 6.2.

This common Ritual and Meditation intends to attest, for the third year, the 12 Wills of the world Disciple, of the One Humanity, declined according to the 12 celestial Powers of the spatial Heart, the Zodiac, those 12 Archetypes of the Evolution of consciousness which lead us back to the spiritual World or World of Ideas (through their 12 esoteric Rulers, according to esoteric Astrology): the Heart of the human Centre is healthy, regal and powerful and, at the gates of the crucial Date of 2025, in a united breath and unified rhythm with the other two planetary Centres, Shamballa and Hierarchy, it radiates its 12 solar petals, at the service of the advancing Good.

Here are the 12 Assertions of the One Humanity:

Capricorn—Saturn—Cardinal Cross:

Humanity asserts the Light supernal 

Aquarius—Jupiter—Fixed Cross:

Humanity serves in order to realise Brotherhood 

Pisces—Pluto—Mutable Cross:

Humanity saves in order to give Freedom


Humanity initiates into the fiery power of Ideas


Humanity releases Light and Beauty


Humanity unifies with Intellect of Love


Humanity spiritualises Substance


Humanity rules from the Centre


Humanity nourishes and manifests the Christ


Humanity balances Spirit and Matter


Humanity wins in the name of Harmony


Humanity directs to the Truth 

During the dedicated online ritual, these Words of Power, Love and Light will be solemnly asserted in 7 languages ​​(Italian, English, French, Spanish, Swedish, Portuguese and Russian), as the peak of a common Meditation performed as a planetary Server, that is, in name of the new Group of World Servers.

All servers, ignited by the Love for the Evolution of the Planet and its kingdoms, are therefore part of this meditation and luminous radiation, whether they participate in these celebrations or not.

(From: A. A. Bailey, Discipleship in the New Age Vol. II)

“… The creative meditation of the New Group of World Servers has for its objectives the creation of the new civilisation and of the new world order.” (212)

… the creation of the One Humanity.

“… the time has now come when the great rhythm of meditation, ranging from desire through prayer to worship, and from thence to meditation and invocation, can be imposed by men upon their own thinking. This is the immediate task of the New Group of World Servers, cooperating everywhere with the men of goodwill… Concentrated thought is part of the planetary meditation; planning with care for the helping of the needy and pursuing all avenues of thinking to make that plan useful and effective is meditation; laying oneself open to spiritual impression and thus to cooperation with the Hierarchy is meditation; in this enumeration of meditative possibilities I have not touched upon the major creative meditation which is responsible for the evolutionary process and the controlled moving forward of all the world of forms into greater glory and light…”. (235)

“Meditation only becomes effective creatively and on all the three planes in the three worlds when the antahkarana is in process of construction. The worlds of the personality are the worlds of the third divine aspect and the creation of thoughtforms therein (as usually carried forward by the concrete mind) is related to form, to the acquisition of that which is desired and dedicated largely to the material values. But when a man is beginning to function as a soul-infused personality and is occupied with the task of rendering himself sensitive to the higher spiritual impression, then the creative work of the Spiritual Triad can be developed and a higher form of creative meditation can be employed.” (236)