Friday 20 September 2024

The Light of Revelation


Today we celebrate the majestic entrance of Jupiter into Taurus, at the heliocentric level: all of space in the solar System is stirring, and vibrating with new, dazzling light.
Jupiter is the sacred Luminary of living Space, transmitting solar Love-Wisdom, of the 2nd Ray, the Divine Builder, Father of Gods and Men: even his name expresses the idea of light.
In fact, the name derives from the Latin language, from the genitive case, Iovis, of the term that in the nominative case designated him as Iuppiter, contraction of the more ancient (D)ju-piter, literally “Father – piter – luminous – dju”. This second element is actually derived from the Indo-European root *DIV-/*DJU-, which expresses the concept of light, of shining sky, associated with that of father.
It is nice to think that in the Proto-Indo-European religion, the bright Sky was called the “father” of all creatures, a “father” whose initial sound p (piter) expresses the primary idea of the Fire of Purification. (1)

As the Light Lambdoma (only available in Italian) suggests, Light branches out in a myriad of fiery sparks expressing dynamism, intelligence, radiance, joy and glory, accompanied by the power of consciousness, that golden bond uniting the earth and the heavens, all his children with the one Father.
And it is Taurus that holds the secret of light, as its evolutionary motto attests: “I see and when the eye is opened, all is Light”.
The Tibetan Master writes: “[…] the “eye of the Bull” is the eye of revelation. The underlying goal of the evolutionary process—“the onward rush of the Bull of God”, as it is esoterically called—reveals steadily and without cessation the stupendous and sublime plan of Deity. This is the subject which light reveals.” (2)
A passage from Agni Yoga adds a further suggestion related to light, thus defining the mystery that lives at the heart of every atom in all of creation: Urusvati knows the Ineffable Essence. The divisibility of all that exists is unlimited, yet in each separate part can be found the smallest “something” of the Ineffable Essence. The ancient thinkers, the alchemists, called this “something” “The Treasure of the Mother”, “Eye of Jupiter”, “The Stronghold of Victory.” (3)

Light is therefore the key element in this entry of Jupiter into Taurus, a light that goes hand in hand with the constructiveness that pertains to it and which is inherent in the magnetic force of Love.
Light is not only what allows us to see the outward forms but it ‘sees’ us itself, illuminating our soul that can thus look beyond and see what the outer eye cannot grasp: “The higher one ascends the broader and more powerful is the vision; and the more powerful the vision the stronger the fusion into oneness.” (4)
It is in this ‘contemplative’ gaze that our vision takes shape, enlightens our consciousnesses and finally reveals the Good, the centre and source of Life.
“Use every means to spread the Good. It is a shame to see how at times a speck of something brings a whole wheel to a halt. A great heart has a great capacity, while a petty heart mainly fills itself with petty things. (…) Thus, let the heart be the judge of where the Good begins!” (5)

Light and Love are also the creative powers of this Universe and as such they have the task of ‘revealing’ what their essence has manifested through forms; and what is revealed by the radiance of the embrace between Light and Love if not the One?
As the words of Plotinus remind us: “We must strive to escape from down here and no longer tolerate any connection with the sensible, caught up in the desire to embrace god with all of ourselves, with no part of us that is not in contact with him. And here, as far as it is permissible for a man, one can see both the One and oneself: see oneself shining, brimming with the light of the intellect, or rather become that same light, pure, buoyant, unburdened, because one has attained godhood, because one is god. Then it is like catching fire, but, if we become heavy again, the flame once more goes out.” (6)

“The vision of the One is beyond knowledge: knowledge of Him is obtained neither through science nor through thought, but through a presence that is worth more than science… He is ineffable and indescribable and yet we speak and write in order to initiate towards Him, to awaken from the sleep of words to the wakefulness of vision, like those who point the path to those desiring to see. (7)
Through Light and Love, firmly held in the heart, Humanity can thus connect with the glory of creation and, in consonance with the heavenly powers, can, and must, participate in that creation.

The entrance of Jupiter into Taurus, which proclaims and sustains this enlightened fusion with the One, is awaited by Uranus, the initiator into the Mysteries and Lord of Order, who is today in the fifth quality of the Sign, which he entered heliocentrically on September 3rd, 2018 and where he will be stationed until January 9th, 2026, marking that septennium of earthly years leading up to the fateful date of 2025 and offering the human Heart that scientific understanding of the Beauty of Being that will illuminate the world, teaching it to distinguish between what is of the ‘earth’ and what is of ‘heaven’.
For Uranus, from the Greek Ouranos, Heaven, Lord of the celestial Order, one is like seven, because it takes him seven years to transit through each Sign of the Zodiac, and transmits the septenary structure of the universal Hierarchy throughout Creation: through his seventh Ray he also acts on the densest levels of manifestation, imprinting the supernal order upon them.
The Luminary also watches over the cultures and civilisations of peoples on a human level, promoting the advent of a new world order, with an impulse in Taurus to unveil the spiritual essence of Creation and to recognise the divine Plan.
“It will also be shown that the soul itself is light, and that the entire Hierarchy is a great centre of light, causing the symbology of light to govern our thinking, our approach to God, and enabling us to understand somewhat the meaning of the words of Christ ‘I am the Light of the world’.” (8)

The synergic action of the two Luminaries of the beneficial fulfilment, destined to be in conjunction on March 14th, 2024, brings about a powerful impulse to develop the capacity for vision and to expand the consciousness of one’s role in the New Group of World Servers, which is ruled by Taurus itself.
The two Luminaries, when in conjunction in the germinating waters of Taurus, will fecundate consciousnesses, fostering and accelerating the communion with the Light of Life and the irradiation of the hierarchical order for the benefit of Humanity, also in anticipation of the two very powerful alignments of 2025, which will see Jupiter line up with Sirius and Uranus with Alcyone.

Finally, it is important to remember that the word “server” itself bears witness to light and sound: it derives from the late Latin servitor, which originates from the verb servire, to serve, to take care, to watch over.
The term originates from the Indo-European root *SWṚ -, consisting of the following sound elements: “the arrival [ṛ/ar] of the good [su] as light and sound”, “shining”, “turning one’s eyes to the light”, “sounding”. See the Sanskrit terms svṛ, “sounding”, svar, “shining” and “sun”; the Greek horao, “seeing”, Helios, “Sun”; the Latin servo, “looking”, “saving” and sol, “sun”. (9)

The New Group of World Servers is therefore by definition an Agent of Light, and we feel ever more deeply the responsibility and urgent need to close ranks, to fulfil with commitment and joy our luminous and salvific role as an outpost of the One hierarchical Humanity.

“Let everything be done for the Good.
Let every action lead to a new achievement.
Let thought of the general welfare accompany every deed.
Let the command of the Good influence everything,
just as the vivid image of the Teacher does.
Indivisible from the Good is the Teaching of the Heart.

(Agni Yoga Series, Heart § 211)



1. F. Rendich, Comparative etymological dictionary of classical Indo-European languages: Indo-European – Sanskrit – Greek – Latin
2. A. A. Bailey, Esoteric Astrology, p. 376
3. Agni Yoga SeriesSupermundane § 859
4. Agni Yoga SeriesFiery World III § 19
5. Agni Yoga Series, Heart § 133
6. Plotinus, Enneads, VI, 9, 9
7. Plotinus, Enneads, VI, 9, 4
8. Alice A. Bailey, Rays and the Initiations, p. 143
9. F. Rendich, Op. cit., pp. 498-99